We open Side A with a hot demo from Troy Smith, this month's interview subject. WMXB-FM/Richmond was thrilled to have a shot at a major promotion with the new Chevy Chase show on Fox Television. Of course, the show was a flop. Cut 3 is what the station did to follow up the disaster! Cut 4 from Todd Richmond/WMPI-FM won an award for Best Station Promotion/Small Market Category in the Indiana Broadcasting Association's Spectrum Awards! Cut 6 from Jon Rose/WBYR-FM is another "Son of RAP" promo which was inspired by a promo from Glenn Miller/WKDF-FM many Cassettes ago.

Side B is filled with the usual variety of creative commercials. Cut 9 from Paul Bahr/WDEK-FM is some production from a 2-track room without EQ or an effects box. The "car radio" music effect was established by miking a cheap pair of headphones! We get also get a spoof spot from Jon Rose/WBYR-FM on cut 11. And we wrap up this month's Cassette with a special piece from Mark Driscoll. About the production Mark writes: Twenty-five years (and more) provides a vivid memory that helps me keep a positive, enthusiastic attitude about our society and how our medium continues to evolve through it. In this, the preparation for the jump to the next century, a quick look around indicates the "understandable" reasoning that our industry reflects on its past. It should be of no surprise. The transitions through "periods" have often presented rather awkward challenges. The broadcasting community is not alone. The consumer is behaving in a quite healthy manner. It only stands to reason that our medium (as well as suppliers of other products and services) is taking inventory, sizing things up. It should be fun to take a "retro" scan through it all. Stay on top of your game! We're moving faster, the tools of our trade are becoming "smarter." So must the "crafters." Please keep in mind that the "retro," the "flashback" submitted to RAP...was written almost 4 years ago. There are many people who should be on it who are making huge contributions...now and since then and before. If it were to be re-written, surely new "names" would be included. However, the idea would remain the same.

Side A

Cut 1 - Demo from Troy Smith/WFNX-FM, Boston, MA
Cut 2 - "Time Change" - Rick Robinson(p), Charlie Kendall(v)/WEGR-FM, Memphis, TN
Cut 3 - "Chevy Chase" - Holly Buchanan/WMXB-FM, Richmond, VA
Cut 4 - "Give Us Country Cash" - Todd Richmond(wpv)/WMPI-FM, Scottsburg, IN
Cut 5 - "Mall Money & A Mustang" - Greg Williams/WMC-FM, Memphis, TN
Cut 6 - "T-Shirt Promo" - "Tuna" Jon Rose/WBYR-FM, Ft. Wayne, IN
Cut 7 - "AIDS PSA" - Larry Whitt(p), Salt N Pepa(v)/KRBE-FM, Houston, TX
Cut 8 - "Artist of the Day" - Ron Harper/WWMG-FM, Charlotte, NC
Cut 9 - "Q-Sticker Louisiana Winner" - Ross McIntyre(pv), Rick Andrews(w)/CKKQ-FM, Victoria, BC
Cut 10 - Sweepers from Larry Bear(wp), Bill Summers(vp)/WNNJ-FM, Newton, NJ

Side B

Cut 1 - "Fantasy Travel" - D.NeCollins(w), D.Gerard(pv), J.Johnson(v)/WKMQ-FM, Rockford, IL
Cut 2 - "Traffic Law Center" - Keiser(w), Brown(vp)/KSHE-FM, St. Louis, MO
Cut 3 - "Lights Night Club" - Scholar Brad(wpv)/KOKU-FM, Agana, Guam
Cut 4 - "Roxy/Europa Combo" - Jeff Berlin(pv)/WXKS-FM, Boston, MA
Cut 5 - "Coldwell Banker" - S.Tarrant(wpv), R.McConnell/B.Wall(v)/KBIQ-FM, Colorado Springs, CO
Cut 6 - "Ginblossoms" - M.Lark(wv), B.Ford(pv)/KRTX-FM, Galveston, TX
Cut 7 - "Puffs" - Moses/Lawrence(w), Lindsey(vp), West(v)/KKYR-FM, Texarkana, AR
Cut 8 - "Quality Dairy" - Dave Savage(wpv), Dave Christi(v)/WVIC-FM, Lansing, MI
Cut 9 - "Spex Express Optical" - Paul Bahr/WDEK-FM, DeKalb, IL
Cut 10 - "Midway Toyota" - M.Stinson(v), K.Dalgliesh(w), R.Harrington(p)/CJOJ-FM, Belleville, Ontario
Cut 11 - "Chia-Scalp" - "Tuna" Jon Rose/WBYR-FM, Fort Wayne, IN
Cut 12 - "Retro-Scan" - Mark Driscoll/Mark Driscoll Productions, Philadelphia, PA
