Side A opens with a sample of work from this month's interviewee, Stephen Smith of KRNT/KRNQ in Des Moines. If you've never heard penguins, you'll like cut 2! The rest of the side is filled with more outstanding commercial production. Kudos for everyone!

Side B opens with a sample of work Dennis Daniel did in Mike Sapone's basement studio as written about in this month's Tales of the Tape column. Cuts 2 and 3 are from Rick Tarrant/Communion Communications. Cut 2 won an Addy in the PSA category. Cut 3 was heard on the Rush Limbaugh show and pokes some fun at the recent check writing scandal. John Dodge (RAP Steal This Script! columnist) offers up a well done piece for Mother's Day on cut 4. Cut 5 is a unique open for an audition tape! We fill up the rest of side B with some hot promo production from Canada to Australia!

Side A

Cut 1 - Production sampler from Stephen Smith/KRNT-AM/KRNQ-FM, Des Moines, IA
Cut 2 - "Antarctica" from Kirk Bennett(vp)/KYXY-FM, San Diego, CA
Cut 3 - "J.C. Penney" from Scott Statham/WLAP-AM/FM, Lexington, KY
Cut 4 - "Ground Zero" from Keith Eubanks/WAPW-FM, Atlanta, GA
Cut 5 - "The Carpet Center" from T.Lipke(wpv), T.Johns(v), G.Hanlon(v)/WWQQ-FM, Wilmington, NC
Cut 6 - "Germantown Falls" from Craig Cornett(p), Jane Lester(w)/WMC-FM, Memphis,TN
Cut 7 - "Krieger's Farm Market" from B.England(wvp), D.Boyer(vw), T.Fitch(v)/WHLO-AM, Akron, OH
Cut 8 - "O'Malley's Pest Control" from Mark Erickson(vp), Jeanne Vollmar(vw)/WSNX-FM, Muskegon, MI
Cut 9 - "Backyard Fantasies" from Eva Adams/KKIQ-FM, Livermore, CA
Cut 10 - "Games Workshop" from Carl Harris/WHVY-FM, Baltimore, MD
Cut 11 - "Olympic Sports" from C.Jackman(p), R.Timson(w), M.Guinta(v)/CHEZ-FM, Ottawa, Ontario

Side B

Cut 1 - ID sampler & spot ("Purple Haze") from Dennis Daniel/WDRE-FM, Long Island, NY
Cut 2 - "Pray For Peace" from Rick Tarrant/Communion Communications, Memphis, TN
Cut 3 - "Vote 'Em Out" from Ricky T. & The Boston T. Party Band, Memphis, TN
Cut 4 - "Mother" from John 'Steal This Script!' Dodge, Boston, MA
Cut 5 - "Audition Tape Open" from Scott Statham/WLAP-AM/FM, Lexington, KY
Cut 6 - "Tom & Karen Morning Show" from Thom Ragan(wpv), Jim O'Brien(v)/WQWK-FM, State College, PA
Cut 7 - "Back In Time Weekend" from Craig Cornett(p), Cindy Horton(w)/WMC-FM, Memphis, TN
Cut 8 - "Flyin' Leap Weekend" from Bob Lawson/WIOG-FM, Saginaw, MI
Cut 9 - "Prince" from Daryl Missen(p), Paul Woodley(p)/2DAY-FM, Sydney, Australia
Cut 10 - "Songs I Like to Hear" from Dave Kalahar(p), Charlie Van Dyke(v)/WKQL-FM, Jacksonville, FL
Cut 11 - "The Fox Card" from Camille Conte/KBFX-FM, Anchorage, AK
Cut 12 - "Ultimate TGIF/Spinal Tap" from Carl Harris/WHVY-FM, Baltimore, MD
Cut 13 - "Junos/Elvis" from C.Jackman(pv), D.Youngs(v), R.Timson(wv)/CHEZ-FM, Ottawa, Ontario


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