The Metallic algorithm creates a unique sound "by introducing an irregular series of harmonics made by applying ring modulation of an oscillator to the direct sound." When using a mike for input, this effect is reminiscent of some old Outer Limits aliens! The Doubling algorithm is a mono, 2-tap delay with maximum delay on each tap of 100ms. The Comb Filter algorithm is pretty neat. The manual describes it as an effect that "locks a flanger." You're familiar with the sweeping, comb-filtering effect of a flanger. Imagine being able to "lock" the flanger at any point in its sweep. External control of the FRQ (frequency) parameter (with a foot pedal or synth modulation wheel) turns the effect into a flanger in which you can manually control the modulation. The Octave algorithm merely adds a pitch shifted signal two octaves below the input signal to the direct signal -- nice effect for a Halloween voice over! Finally, the Pedal Wah is a wah effect set up for external control with a foot pedal.
On to EFF2, the second effect module! This module offers a Pitch Shifter, a Phaser, a Tremolo, and a Cry program identical to the ones in the EFF1 module. Also in this module are the following: Phase 3, Chorus 2, Chorus 3, Flanger 2, Step, Auto Panpot, Delay, and Echo. Phase 3 differs from the other Phase effect in that its output is stereo. Chorus 2 and Chorus 3 are slightly different from the Chorus algorithm in the EFF1 module. Chorus 3 is a stereo chorus. Flanger 2 differs from the flanger in the EFF1 module by adding extra delay time (up to 900ms) to the signal to provide a "delayed flange" effect. The Step algorithm is a "sample and hold" effect -- nice for sustained sounds. The Auto Panpot is a stereo panner. The Delay effect is a mono delay with a maximum delay of one second. Adjustable parameters include delay time, feedback, and "high damp" which dampens the high frequencies of the feedback signal. A balance parameter adjusts the mix of the delayed signal with the direct. Finally, the Echo algorithm is a versatile stereo delay program featuring up to one second of delay on both left and right channels.
The third effect module is called the SFX, or Special Effects, module. This module needs some of the same muscle used by the EFF1 and EFF2 modules and therefore cannot be used simultaneously with either of the other two. On the other hand, EFF1 and EFF2 can be used simultaneously with each other. The effects in the SFX module are: Harmonized Pitch Shifter, Advanced Flanger, Bend Chorus, Picking Modulator, Super Cry, Bomber, and Zitar. The Harmonized Pitch Shifter is the harmonic shifter designed for musical input. Parameters adjust the scale and the tonic of the scale. A pitch parameter selects "up" or "down" and determines whether the harmonic will be higher or lower than the input signal.
The Advanced Flanger is one of the effects that offers an additional page of (4) parameters. This effect incorporates an envelope generator and an input trigger that affects the depth and speed of the flange effect. The Bend Chorus is an interesting effect. It automatically "bends" a note, up or down, to a degree dependant upon the level of the input signal. Picking Modulator is much like the Metallic effect described earlier, but has greater application with a musical instrument as input. The Super Cry effect is another "wah" effect with five selectable "patterns" which change the sound of the effect. The Bomber algorithm is nothing more than an input triggered, digital "explosion" of white noise. The decay time of the explosion is adjustable and three explosion "patterns" are available. This is a nice effect to use with zips and zaps of your own that just don't have the punch you want. The trigger enables exact synching with other audio. Finally in this module is the Zitar algorithm. This effect simulates the sound of a sitar.