Side A opens with a very nice sample of work from Bill Towery, Production Director at WCKG-FM in Chicago and this month's interviewee. Cut 2 from Rick Allen is a good example Rick's use of the sampler on the voice as discussed in this month's Tips & Techniques page. Cuts 6 and 7 come from FOX-FM's morning comedy producer, Brian Thomas. The promos are for the morning show and are set in the men's room. The second one was produced especially for the PD but never made it on the air. Side A wraps with a sample of some "in-house" jingle work from Dennis Daniel as referred to in this month's Tales of the Tape column.

Side B opens with a nice piece of work from Pete Jensen of KZZU-FM in Spokane. The lengthy promo announces the recent change to "The All New Zoo." We fill up the rest of side B with some great commercials and one pretty funny spoof from Dan Youngs at CHEZ-FM.

Side A

Cut 1 - Production sampler from Bill Towery/WCKG-FM, Chicago, IL
Cut 2 - "Free Music Free Money Weekend" from Rick Allen/WQHT-FM, New York, NY
Cut 3 - "One Split Second" from John Douglas/Douglas Creative Serv., Cleveland, OH (for WOHO, Lansing)
Cut 4 - "'91 Fireworks T" from Joel Moss/WEBN-FM, Cincinnati, OH
Cut 5 - "Terror Train" from John Pelligrini/WKLQ-FM, Grand Rapids, MI
Cut 6 - "Morning Crew" from Brian Thomas/FOX FM, Melbourne, Australia
Cut 7 - "Morning Crew Spoof" from Brian Thomas/FOX FM, Melbourne, Australia
Cut 8 - Production sampler from Dennis Daniel/WDRE-FM, Long Island, NY

Side B

Cut 1 - "The New Zoo" from Pete Jensen/KZZU-FM, Spokane, WA
Cut 2 - "California Pistachios" from John Toney/KXKL-FM, Denver, CO
Cut 3 - "Starr Motors" from Greg Williams/WAFX-FM, Norfolk, VA
Cut 4 - "B.B. McLain's" from Chuck Collins/WKDD-FM, Akron, OH
Cut 5 - "Cowboy's Nightlife" from Mike Mason/WKML-FM, Fayetteville, NC
Cut 6 - "Calypso's Nightclub" from John Pelligrini/WKLQ-FM, Grand Rapids, MI
Cut 7 - "Safe & Sound Car Stereo" from Walt Marsicano/WYNF-FM, St. Petersburg, FL
Cut 8 - "Fred's Market" from Sean Lowman/KZ95.7 FM, Jackson, WY
Cut 9 - "Calico Jack's" From Gary Van Allen/WMMO-FM, Orlando, FL
Cut 10 - "Grandstands Sports Grill" from Sandy Thomas/Sandy Thomas Productions, Miami, FL
Cut 11 - "DeBoor's Donuts" spoof from Dan Youngs/CHEZ-FM, Ottawa, Ontario


  • The R.A.P. Cassette - January 1993

    Featured audio from interview subject Ronn Lipkin/KLSX-FM Los Angeles, plus spots, promos and imaging KRXX Minneapolis, KXKL Denver, KXTR Kansas...