Over the past few months we asked Production Directors from around the country to anonymously send us their market size and salary. Below are the results of this poll. As you'll notice, we still didn't get enough input from a couple of categories. The salaries are for the position of Production Director, but this position's job description varies greatly from station to station and market to market. Some Production Directors have an airshift while others don't. Some handle the Continuity Director's duties or write copy while others don't. Some have assistants drawing from the budget for production while others do the job alone. These differences will vary the salaries in similar markets consider-ably. Therefore, the ranges indicated below may swing fairly wide. The averages will offer a more accurate indication of which direction from the middle this swing takes place. To the right of the Average Salary is the percentage of change from last year's poll. The average increase overall was ten percent.


Thanks to everyone who participated in this poll. We hope it will assist you in future negotiations, either at your present job or at your next one. Additional copies of this poll are available upon request.


  • The R.A.P. Cassette - July 1995

    Production Demo from Steve Martin @ BBC Radio Scotland; plus hots spots and promos from Hal Knapp @ Z100 NY, Deborah Hopkins and Pat White @ WIL St....