Please pardon us while we keep using this front page space to talk about The Cassette. At this point it appears to be a greatly valued part of this publication, and we want to keep you aware of The Cassette's progress in these early stages of the game. Don't forget that The Cassette is part of R.A.P. only if you want it. The tape you submit each month is a "YES" vote, and your tape (vote) is as important as everyone else's.

Thanks to all who voted "YES" last month. Once again, we were able to bring you another Cassette full of superb writing and production.

We are pleased to feature on this month's Cassette, work from Rick Allen, Production Director at WQHT in New York, and subject of this month's RAP Interview. Here's a guy who has made it to the top with his production skills alone, not his voice, so you know his work has got to be good! (This is quite evident on The Cassette.) We thank him for his contributions, and we're proud to have him as a part of the April issue of R.A.P.

Regarding a May Cassette, we urge the many new subscribers we've had over the past month or two, to dig into those masters and pull out a promo and a commercial. Dub them to reel or cassette and send them in. Deadline for tapes this month is the 21st.

We featured a "promo-check" in last month's Cassette from Larry Williams of KWSS. If you would like to submit a promo-check, come up with a good one and send it in. (If you're not sure what a promo-check is, it's simply a collection of promos used during a promotion on your station.) Feel free to record an intro telling us a little about the promotion and the production that follows, then dub a few of the promos in the order they were used on the air (teasers first, then winners, etc.). Try to keep the entire promo-check around 5 minutes in length, give or take a couple of minutes.

The Cassette is off to a great start, thanks to you. Remember, The Cassette is yours, not ours. Without your participation it doesn't exist. That's why we offer it at no extra charge to subscribers. Thanks again for the support. Get your tapes in and let's look forward to a May Cassette!


  • The R.A.P. CD - February 2005

    Production demo from interview subject, Drake Donovan at WZPT/WDSY, Pittsburgh, PA; plus promos, imaging and commercial work from Dave Foxx, Z100, New...