by Jerry Vigil

The increasing demands on radio production departments has spawned a new monthly publication to assist production personnel in meeting those demands. Radio and Production makes its debut with this issue in an attempt to help find solu­tions to those problems caused by increasing demands, and to bring radio's production staffs together in a national forum who's goals are to improve the overall quality of the pro­duction coming from station studios and help improve the talent of those behind the consoles.

The value of this tipsheet is based on the increasing importance of on-air production to Programmers and Sales Managers. Stations with the money are upgrading their production studios well beyond radio's most advanced on-air studios to help in the race to number one. Sales Departments have benefited as a by-product of this upgrade as clients get better spots. That means results and return business.

While it is possible this publication is before its time, it is believed by many to be long overdue. Programmers, Air Person­alities and Music Directors have had access to great periodicals such as R&R and Billboard. Managers, engineers and promotions people have publica­tions targeted to them also. Radio And Production hopes to provide the same service to another depart­ment of radio, and by doing so, increase the quality of radio as a whole.

Interviews: Each issue of Radio And Production will feature an interview with an industry professional involved with production in one way or another. Some names may be well known and others won't be, as is often the case with so much of today's talent.

Equipment Reviews: R.A.P. will take a look at the latest equipment finding it's way into production studios and recording studios alike. Everything from microphones and turntables to digital samplers and sequencers will be looked at for their place in production.

Subscriber Participation: Selected letters to R.A.P. will be printed for the benefit of all readers and a question and answer section will provide assis­t­ance in educating us all. Subscribers will also be invited to submit articles of their own for publica­tion.

Classifieds: A section will be devoted to helping stations find production people and vice versa. Advertise used equipment for sale or trade and more. And all classified ads will be at no charge to sub­scribers.

Production Basics: In this section R.A.P. will address those in their first years of radio. You will learn how to make the pe­rfect splice and use EQ to it's fullest. You will also learn how to get the most out of the equipment you have. This should be very helpful as many stations in smaller markets are bound by their budgets and therefore have only the bare minimum in their studios. Learn the basics of mic techniques, compressors, reverb units and more. Radio And Production encourages letters from radio's new­comers asking questions pertaining to their situation. This will be a valuable method for getting answers from the best in the business.

Advanced Production: This section will address the more experienced produc­tion person. Here such items as sampling, digital recording and MIDI will be discussed. You will learn how digital audio works and how to use it. You will also learn how to design and build a studio from the ground up, at your station or at your home. Multi-track record­ing will be examined closely, revealing the many techniques used to bring out the best in a multi-track studio from track assignment to mixdown. Noise reduc­tion systems will be discussed and we'll look at the various pieces of outboard gear available and show you how to use them best.

Feature Articles: Each issue will offer a feature article which will address the everyday challenges of the Production Director. Subjects to be covered include; dealing with sales, dealing with difficult clients, organizing your time, directing talent, one man departments, spec spots, freelancing, work­ing with engineering and a host of other important aspects of the Production Director's position.

Radio And Production promises to become an invaluable tool for anyone in radio connected with production in any way. The novice will learn things others have taken years to learn through trial and error and the veteran will keep abreast of the latest technology and techniques and share ideas with other seasoned pros to become even better.

Finally, a tipsheet has arrived for one of radio's most talented departments, production.


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