Waves Audio introduces Waves SuperRack, the next generation of plugin processing software for live sound and broadcast engineers. This cutting-edge plugin rack lets users run up to 128 audio channels through multiple instances of Waves plugins with near-zero latency and offers endless customization options that make it easy for you to tailor the application to your very own mixing workflow.

Waves SuperRack 400pxSuperRack operates in a SoundGrid® Audio-over-Ethernet network, processing audio on a dedicated SoundGrid DSP server, which moves plugin processing from the host computer to an external DSP server in order to significantly increase plugin count, minimize latency, and enable the host and I/O devices to be far apart from each other while accommodating the most complex setups.

SuperRack is a natural extension of your mixing console, designed from the ground up for quick setup time, flexible touch-friendly workspace and unlimited workflow customization. FOH, monitor, broadcast, and AV engineers can now run plugins in real time, customize their workspace with floating windows, set extended-scope snapshots, and run any live show with more speed and confidence than ever before.


  • View and control multiple plugin instances simultaneously
  • Multitouch-friendly graphic interface
  • Expand your workspace to up to four monitors
  • Easily tweak small plugin parameters with a “Touch & Slide” fader
  • Quickly access up to 12 plugins per snapshot via the Hot Plugins panel
  • Map application and plugin controls to MIDI & computer keyboard for quick hands-on access
  • Switch inputs and outputs while maintaining processing chains
  • Adjust multiple racks simultaneously with the “Linking” function
  • Share SoundGrid I/Os in a network to build complex setups
  • Selectively recall snapshots via extended scope filter
  • Comprehensive device and network monitoring
  • Advanced latency alignment management
  • Host mirroring (DiGiCo) and DSP server redundancy

To learn more, visit www.waves.com/SuperRack


  • The R.A.P. CD - October 2005

    Imaging demo from interview subject, Jeff Thomas at Jeff Thomas Productions, Newport Beach, Australia; plust more commercials, imaging and promos...