World-wide since 1982, New York Festivals Radio Awards is now open for entries. For the first time the NYF’s Radio Awards winners will share the stage and the spotlight with NYF’s TV & Film Awards medal and trophy winners at the inaugural Storytellers Gala. Both competitions will be honored on Tuesday, April 21st at the annual NAB Show in Las Vegas.

NY Festivals Radio Awards 2020“Stories give us a common language – that’s the way we communicate with each other - and today’s technology provides so many opportunities that weren’t possible or even imaginable in the past,” said Rose Anderson, VP & Executive Director, New York Festivals. “This spring, we will celebrate the men and women from around the world whose innovative work impressed our grand jury panels.”

The Storytellers Gala, celebrating global content creators from Radio, TV and Film and across all platforms, marks the tenth year of NYF’s strategic partnership with NAB Show. 2020’s multi-competition gala will feature award winning guest presenters from around the globe and will bring a new level of prominence, interest, and recognition for all our participants which will continue in the year ahead.

The Radio Awards receives entries from radio stations, networks, and independent producers from over 30 countries around the globe. The mission of the competition is to honor the achievements of content creators who make up the global storytelling community.

Each year, New York Festivals invites award-winning industry leaders from around the world to become members of their world-class Radio Awards Grand Jury. Those jurors include some of the most world’s recognizable voices and captivating content producers in the radio industry. Entries are judged on production values, organization, presentation of information, creativity, and use of the medium.

New York Festivals, in collaboration with the United Nations Department of Public Information, established the United Nations Awards in 1990 to honor programs that best exemplify the aims and ideals of the United Nations. Nominated Finalists are judged by a panel convened by the United Nations to select Gold, Silver, and Bronze United Nations Awards.

Join New York Festivals on Tuesday, April 21st as we honor the 2020 Radio and TV & Film Award Winners at the inaugural Storytellers Gala in Las Vegas. All attendees will have access to the multi-day NAB event which is the world’s largest media entertainment marketplace. .

The deadline to enter the 2020 Radio Awards competition is February 1, 2020. For additional information visit


  • The R.A.P. Cassette - February 1991

    Welcome to the audio portion of our program. We open side A with work from Joel Moss/WEBN, Cincinnati. These are samples of the promos Joel writes...