K-Devices, an innovative developer of music software tools, has released WOV and TTAP, new plug-ins for the VST/VST3/AU/AAX formats. These Plug-ins are K-Devices first of a new series of creative audio effects with DSP referred to as the Phoenix series and are available in new formats. This new series also introduces a new GUI design philosophy to streamline the creative process and encourage experimentation beyond the original DSP intent.

K Devices WOV 400pxWOV: WOV is the evolution of the WOV Pedal we previously designed for the MOD Duo. It is a deeply creative tool that will bring an arsenal of complex amplitude modulation features to a wide variety of source and musical styles.

WOV started as a tremolo (and it is a great one), but it now comes with parameters to handle modulation in even more creative ways, becoming a complex texture maker, able to go from warm guitar-like tremolo modulations to quasi grains processing, to complex trance gate patterns, and more.

The Response parameter lets incoming audio increase/decrease the Modulation Rate, creating dynamic time fluctuations. The combination of the parameters Wave, Peak, and Warp, shape the modulator waveform in a flexible and easy way, giving a wide range of possible results.

The Accents multi-slider adjusts amplitude for each modulator cycle (range 2-8 steps), creating complex patterns. A Stereo Mode, when enabled, affects several parameters: Silence, Response, and Multislider, giving exclusive per channel processing, for wider stereo results.

Aleatory elements introduce chance into the process of creation. Silence allows the chance of getting silent modulation cycles while altering the Variation parameter introduces instability and unpredictable variations in the modulation.

K Devices TTAP 400pxTTAP: TTAP is a delay effect with a set of creative features to process the delayed signal. Its unusual structure lets the user/musician easily achieve classic as well as highly unusual delay results. 

TTAP’s signal passes through two buffers, which can be independently processed and further delayed. An exclusive, highly shapeable Amplitude Envelope is available for each buffer. Each buffer can be independently played in reverse mode as well.

The relationship between buffers is handled by the parameters Gap and Balance. The Gap setting is an additional delay value for a second buffer, and Balance sets the amplitude ratio between the buffers. This simple but powerful combination of two features lets the user obtain delayed accents that, if reiterated through Feedback, give a reverberation of patterns far beyond the usual delay effect concept. 

Besides Delay Time, a core parameter of TTAP is the time value called Section. This adjusts the time resolution that the buffers’ manipulation features are based on (amplitude envelope length, second buffer max delay, time resolution for aleatory stereo Spread and Repeat, and more). This allows all parameters to be changed simultaneously. 

The Repeat parameter sets the chance to repeat the current buffer instead of overwriting it with the new incoming signal, creating semi-aleatory glitch results, up to a complete freeze effect. The Bend parameters section simulates a non-linear playhead resulting in exponential or logarithmic reading of the buffer.

Graphic Interface: With this new Phoenix series of plug-ins, we have introduced a new design philosophy of limiting the use of textual labels, replacing them with iconic symbols. These symbols will be used on future effects of the Phoenix series with the hope that they will become more and more familiar to the user, like a language. A toggle at the bottom right corner lets the user replace symbols with classic textual labels if desired.

In addition, the user will not see numeric values by default. This is done to encourage using your ears as the main instrument of evaluation. Yet, precise editing and visual feedback options are available on the upper right corner of the UI. The user can see the exact value of the last selected object, and he can also edit its value, by double-clicking. The user interface also offers an animated visual feedback for some of the key features of the effects.

Availability, price, and deals: We celebrate WOV and TTAP with an introductory price and deals on the whole shop: Introductory offer (valid until March 17): WOV €45 (-25%), TTAP €45 (-25%), Bundle €69 (-40%) . Official prices (after March 17): WOV €59, TTAP €59, WOV+TTAP Bundle €99.

About K-Devices: K-Devices was founded in 2012 by France-based Italian composer Alessio Santini to design music creation tools for Ableton Live and other music platforms. His products, which include ESQ, Twistor, MOOR, Holder, HERSE, AutoBeat, Drumk 2, REF, Shaper, Moovmi, EXT, KFLUX, KFLUXin, and KFLUXsy, are used by an international roster of musicians and are available online at www.k-devices.com.


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