Voxengo Voxformer version 2.12 update is now available for download. Voxengo Voxformer is a multi-functional vocal channel strip plugin for professional audio production applications, available in AAX, AudioUnit, VST and VST3 plug-in formats (including native 64-bit support), for macOS, and Windows computers.

Version 2.12 includes the following changes:

  • Added Retina support on macOS, and automatic high-resolution UI size adjustment on Windows.
  • 27% lower CPU usage on AVX2-capable processors (in 64-bit mode).
  • Added "anti-aliasing" spectrum display mode.

Voxformer VoxengoThe coolest feature of Voxformer is its one-knob vocal compressor. Using only a single knob, you can get a tight, open and definitive professional vocal sound with an excellent articulation in no time. You do not have to worry about common ratio and make-up gain controls since they are automatically selected by the advanced compression algorithm while attack and release parameters are stored in a mode preset. Moreover, Voxformer features two compressors of this type, allowing you to apply either a two-band or a two-stage (serial) vocal compression.

Voxformer also features the de-esser with selectable center frequency and threshold. Multi-band noise gate is available, which, in a manner similar to the compressor, was designed to bring ease of tuning while providing excellent sonic results. For those who like a saturated vocal sound, Voxformer implements a special module which applies a smooth saturation. Another useful feature Voxformer has to offer is the presence boosting module, which you can use to add some shine and space to the vocals.

Voxformer features:

  • Two built-in vocal compressors
  • Two-band compressor operation
  • Asymmetric compression
  • 5-band parametric equalizer
  • Real-time FFT spectrum analyzer
  • Noise gate (de-breath) module
  • De-esser module
  • Presence boosting module
  • Saturation module with 4 modes
  • Residue listening mode
  • Stereo and multi-channel processing
  • Internal channel routing
  • Channel grouping
  • Mid/side processing
  • Up to 8x oversampling
  • 64-bit floating point processing
  • Preset manager
  • Undo/redo history
  • A/B comparisons
  • Contextual hint messages
  • All sample rates support
  • Zero processing latency
  • Retina and HighDPI support

Voxengo Voxformer end-user license is available for purchase on-line for US$79.95. Demo version of Voxengo Voxformer can be downloaded at the Voxengo web site: http://www.voxengo.com/product/voxformer/?eref=ml.


  • The R.A.P. Cassette - September 1999

    Promo demo from interview subject, Stephanie Snyder, Yahoo! Broadcast Services, Dallas, TX; plus more promos, imaging and commercials from UPS...