geode has one goal: to let you plug in a box and dial in edgy, cutting, grimy sounds you won’t mistake for anything else. Building on the MeeBlip line’s digital sound features and unique Twin-T analog filter, geode adds more control, more sound twists, and now both USB MIDI and MIDI IN operation.

meeblip geode 400pxOne control per function really means one control per function: no shift, no nonsense, no presets - just reach out and turn knobs. geode is all about getting straight to the sound - every switch, every knob.

  • Shape your sound with envelope (attack, decay, sustain) and glide
  • Choose from a range of independent, digitally generated waveforms on two oscillators: PWM, pulse, sawtooth, and triangle (osc A) or noise (osc B).
  • Mix A + B oscillators, or choose one or the other (so you can focus on noise for percussion or single-oscillator acid)
  • Sub octave and detune
  • The unique analog MeeBlip filter, based on a 70s guitar distortion circuit
  • Modulation routable to filter and pitch, for subtle effects or cranked for chaotic warbles and FM-style sounds
  • Complete MIDI implementation: use with USB, with iOS (via Apple adapter, not included), or hardware DIN (full-sized, with selectable channel)
  • All-new, great feeling knobs
  • Dual mono minijack output for easy monitoring with headphones or connection to other gear
  • MIDI DIN input for connecting MIDI hardware
  • USB for MIDI input, connecting to a computer
  • Driver-free operation on macOS, Windows, Linux, iOS*, Android
  • USB powered
  • 1m USB cable included

geode is available to preorder available now for shipping starting in May - first come, first served. The preorder is available direct only for US$149.95. For more information, visit: Check out a hands-on video demo:


  • The R.A.P. Cassette - November 1999

    Production demo from interview subject, Steve Kelly, Bill Young Productions, Houston, TX; plus more imaging, promos and commercials from Page...