New York Festivals web► The 2016 New York Festivals International Radio Program Awards is now open for entries. World-wide since 1982, New York Festivals International Radio Program Awards honors the World’s Best Radio Programs, receiving entries from radio stations, networks, and independent producers from 32 countries around the globe. “New York Festivals recognizes the ever-evolving nature of the radio industry”, said Rose Anderson, Executive Director of New York Festivals International Radio Program Awards. “Time does not stand still in the radio industry – new ways of reaching listeners and new ways of telling the important stories of our day drive change. So, every year, we work with our advisory board and we update some categories as well as create new ones.” This year, NYF expanded their category roster by adding three additional documentary categories: Biography/Profiles, Climate Change & Sustainability, and Music. New York Festivals Radio Awards enlists jurists from all over the world to become members of the Grand Jury. Entries are judged on production values, organization, presentation of information, creativity, and use of the medium. The deadline for entering the 2016 World’s Best Radio Programs competition is March 18, 2016.

ProSoundEffects Telephony webPro Sound Effects announced the Telephony Collection, offering sound effects from a diverse range of telecommunication devices used throughout the last century. Recorded on location at the Telstra Museum in Australia by Stephan Schütze of Sound Librarian, this new library contains over 1,500 sound effects (2.6GB) of more than 50 different historical telecommunication devices, including both rotary and pushbutton telephones, payphones, switchboards, exchanges and clocks. Among the collection are sounds that range from the instantly recognizable and nostalgic to the esoteric and unique. The Telephony Collection provides a variety of telephone sound effects and Foley: rings, dial tones, buttons, rotaries, switches, toggles, selectors, dials, pickups, hang-ups, receivers, handsets, headsets, operation, line jacks, drawers, card swipes, relays, shutters, timers, bells, coins and more. For quick and easy sound selection, the Telephony Collection is embedded with descriptive metadata compatible with Soundminer, Pro Tools, NetMix, Basehead, AudioFinder, iTunes and other popular sound effects library search software. The library also comes with a visual reference guide that includes 62 images of devices in the collection accessible in the directory and also embedded in each file for display within asset management software, giving sound designers another way to choose sounds. Available at the intro price of $119 through November, the Telephony Collection is delivered as 16-bit/96kHz broadcast .wav files via download or on a custom 64GB USB 3.0 flash drive (+$40).

AtomicaMusicLibraryLogo webAtomica Music recently announced they have partnered with TMStudios to offer the entire Atomica catalog via barter. Check out the catalog at

StickyFX BrokenAir webSticky FX has teamed up with Streemmedia to create a new imaging library called Broken Air, designed for CHR, Hot AC and Greatest Hits stations. The library features 200 fx and work parts with lots of punch and energy but also a neutral sound that makes it easy to blend with all your other imaging material. All fx and work parts are divided into several categories like Starters, Air Breakers, Low Breakers, Phone Breakers, Take Offs, Whoosh Hits and more. ► 



  • The R.A.P. CD - October 2003

    Demo from interview subject, Mike Carta at Super Sweepers, Knoxville, TN; plus more promos, imaging and commercials from Jeffrey Hedquist, Hedquist...