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Pro Sound Effects® has released the first three sound designer interviews in PSE’s “How I Work” Series. Published on the Pro Sound Effects Blog, and inspired by Lifehacker, How I Work asks sound designers in film, video games, and advertising what inspires them and what tools allow them to get their work done from day to day. Here are the first 3 How I Work interviews: Will Morton, Solid Audioworks, Scotland, UK -- Most recent credit: Grand Theft Auto V; Andrew Lackey, Wabi Sabi Sound, Atlanta, GA -- Most recent credit: Ori and the Blind Forest; Matt Piersall, GL33k, Austin,TX -- Most recent credit: BattleCry. The How I Work Series is a rare look behind the scenes at what allows sound designers to stay productive, creative and successful,” said Douglas Price, Founder & President of Pro Sound Effects. “Pro Sound Effects is thrilled to showcase such an innovative group, and the PSE Blog will regularly release new interviews. The goal is to support the worldwide sound design community and the importance of sound overall.” ▲


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