R.A.P. Interview: Karlo Zsolt, Radioman, Imaging Producer, Budapest, Hungary

by Jerry Vigil

Karlo showed up on the R.A.P. radar during the recent Produce Dave Foxx 2 competition, which he won with a superbly produced promo for Z100. But he is certainly not new to the game. Imaging is his specialty, from the very beginning of his career, and his work has been heard across the biggest stations in Hungary since the early 2000s, and later in the UK and the US through work with ReelWorld. Karlo is currently working with Wise Buddah’s new IMGR service. A language barrier prevented a more inclusive interview with Karlo, but thanks to his proficiency with English, we were able to pick his brain on a few subjects. Log on to rapmag.com to check out some awesome audio from Karlo on the RAP Soundstage.

The R.A.P. Soundstage

R.A.P.’s monthly audio showcase formally known as “The R.A.P. CD”, has moved online to the R.A.P. Soundstage at rapmag.com! We used to mail a separate sheet with the printed magazine, listing the contents of the R.A.P. CD. Now we’ll include this listing here in the current digital issue, as well as online on the Soundstage page. (You will need to log in to access the page online.) We get things started with this month’s Editor’s Choice Award winner, a second ECA for Langley Gerrard at UKRD, a couple of 30s for Café One4Six. The audio is also posted in the R.A.P. forum’s ECA page with some notes on why I chose it, and you can add comments of your own if you wish. Track 2 is audio from this month’s interviewee, Karlo Zsolt. It contains three imaging demos, CHR, AC and Country respectively. Promos are on tracks 3-7, and commercials wrap it up on tracks 8-20.

What They Can’t Teach In School

by Ben Thorgeirson

I recently had the opportunity to be a part of a Q&A panel for radio students starting their first semester at SAIT. It was refreshing to be back there, and I remember being as scared as they were when I started. Lots of great questions were posed and some great answers by other panel members were given. However, I’m worried if they’ll retain what we told them or not.

Q It Up: What music libraries do you use for commercial production?

What music libraries do you use for commercial production? What format(s) do you produce commercials for? Which library is your number one “go to” library? What do you like most about the services or libraries you use? How easy is it to find the music you need? Anything you’d like to see added to the service or changed? Feel free to add any other comments about commercial music libraries in general.

Production 212: Magically Delicious

by Dave Foxx

On the face of it, spending Thanksgiving weekend in Dublin, Ireland was a little bit crazy, certainly non-traditional, but an absolute ton of fun. A few months ago, the “Breakfast Show”, as they call it, came up with a plan to do a “Naked Breakfast.” Ray Foley and JP told 98FM in Dublin that they wanted to do a show that was completely live; no pre-recorded commercials, promos or sweepers -- no recorded music for that matter -- and live news, weather and sports reporting. They arranged to have Ireland’s number one music act today, The Coronas, perform several songs live. Another “street” band called Keywest performed and provided incidental music for commercials, news and sports reporting plus, did LIVE jingles. They hired local actors to perform all the commercials with the input of the clients and agencies. They even had one fellow do “live” sound effects like opening a refreshing can of (whatever) or knocking on doors and such. The next question came my way, “Could you come to Dublin to do this show live as our VOG?” How could I say no?

"....And Make It Real Creative!”: A New DAW Breaks

by Trent Rentsch

I decided earlier this fall that 2015 would be “The Year of the New DAW.” Yes, I already have several, each with unique strengths and weaknesses, but I’ve been feeling that there must be a solution that’s more, me. I get more audio propaganda in a week from various companies than the average person could absorb in a lifetime; it all becomes a blur of “YOU NEED THIS,” so I knew I had to avoid the Spin Doctors and eye candy and go to those I really trust for audio gear advice… those who actually use it. God bless my Facebook Friends… I asked, they answered.

Radio Hed: Can Satire Sell?

by Jeffrey Hedquist

Your client has given you a message to convey to the masses: “Buy our stuff.”
Lovely. But your audience may not be on board with that directive. After all, they’ve heard that from every other ad on the air.
But they may respond when you twist the approach with a little irony, with... satire. Why? Because few advertisers use it, because it’s a little surprising, and because you can sneak in the “buy our stuff” message in an unexpected way.

...and more!

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  • The R.A.P. CD - May 2004

    Demo from interview subject, Jim Hausfeld, Clear Channel, Dayton, OH; plus more "Best of the Rest" from the 14th RAP Awards featuring entries from Jason...