Firstcom-GM184 GLAM SQUAD web► Latest releases from FirstCom include: AM073 News Cycle 2 - A powerful, intense attention-getting news package, including opens, sports, weather, world and breaking news; promotional themes; BBCPM043 Drones Plus Vol 2 - Simple Drones and Atmospheres for Science, Nature, and Drama Documentaries; CHAP428 The Piano Sessions - Warm, poignant, playful and characterful piano works; CHAP429 Serenade - Elegant cinematic string and guitar themes; DF23 All Kinds Of Happy - Emotional cinematic post-rock, peppy electronica, hipster folk anthems, comedic underdog ditties, poignant self-discoveries, neo-gospel and catwalk fierceness; DGPM035 Bach: Brandenburg Concerto No. 1 – 6 - Concerto No. 1 in F, BWV 1046; Concerto No. 2 in F, BWV 1047; Concerto No. 3 in G, BWC 1048; Concerto No. 4 in G, BWV 1049; Concerto No. 5 in D, BWV 1050; Concerto No. 6 in B Flat, BWV 1051; DGPM039 Chopin: Nocturnes - Collection of 21 beautiful piano nocturnes from Op.9, Op.15, Op.27, Op.32, Op.37, Op.48, Op.55, Op.62, Op.72. Audition these and more at

Women’s Audio Mission (WAM), a nonprofit dedicated to the advancement of women in music production and the recording arts, moved into a new recording studio, the former SF Soundworks Studio, earlier this year and has since attracted major donations from audio manufacturers Audient, Avid, Meyer Sound, Belden, Blue, Line 6, AKG, Ableton, and XQP. SF Soundworks Studio was home to many high-profile recording projects with artists such as Alanis Morissette, R.E.M., Timbaland, and Radiohead. The new recording studio is triple the size of WAM’s previous facility, and will allow the nonprofit to serve over 300 additional women and girls a year (1,200 women and girls total) with free and low-cost recording arts training. ▲


  • The R.A.P. Cassette - July 1992

    Featured audio from interview subject Al Peterson while at WLAD/98Q in Danbury, CT; plus classic production from WTAE/WHXT Pittsburgh, 2XS-FM New...