RAP-CD-logo-2Welcome to the November 2014 R.A.P. CD! Up first is this month’s Editor’s Choice Award winner, a well-done spot for a car stereo shop from Matthew Redmond at Southern Cross Austereo. Track 2 contains two VO demos from our interview subject, Piers Gibbon. Commercials are on tracks 3 – 15. Promos are on tracks 16 – 22, starting with promos Dave Foxx mentions in his Production 212 column. Track 23 is something different, and Alan Peterson offers these notes: Remember the "Singing EBS Test" from the 1970s, made famous by WHEN Syracuse and then made illegal by the FCC? Check out the "Singing Disclaimers" recorded (but never actually used) at Radio America. The voice is liner guy Paul Dickson, the music chords were created by the free SuperWave VST synthesizer (www.superwavesynths.co.uk) and the vocoding plug-in was the MDA Talkbox (mda.smartelectronix.com) inside a "lite" edition of Samplitude. All the boring dry legal stuff is in there (no sampling, no rebroadcast etc.). Except now it’s not so boring anymore.

We wrap it up on track 24 with a station scope from Gary McClenaghan at Bell Media who suggests that we feature scopes from time to time, which is an excellent idea!

1. ECA Winner: Albany Car Stereo & Alarms, Matthew Redmond, Southern Cross Austereo, Bunbury, WA, Australia, matthew.redmond[at]sca.com.au
2. Piers Gibbon Narrative + Corporate Voice Showreel, Piers Gibbon, London, England, www.piersgibbon.com
3. On The Rocks, Cameron Wendt, Bell Media, Fort St. John, British Columbia, Canada, Cameron.wendt[at]bellmedia.ca
4. Macklin Haig Plumbing – Visitors, Andrew Frame, BAF Soundworks, Andrew[at]bafsoundworks.com
5. Adult Source – Symphony of Pleasure, Ben Thorgeirson, Newcap Radio, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, bent[at]newcap.ca
6. Busselton Repertory Club – The Show Must Go On, Tim Hammond, Southern Cross Austereo, Bunbury, WA, Australia, tim.hammond[at]sca.com.au
7. Discount Auto – I’m a Man, Rick Harrington, Mix 97/Rock107/CJBQ, Belleville, ON, Canada, production[at]cjbq.com
8. Antex – Scourge, Russ More, Island Radio/Jim Pattison Broadcast Group, Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada, rmore[at]islandradio.bc.ca
9. Mosquito D-Fence – Military, Ryan Spooner & Stephen Ball, Rock 105.3, Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada, ryan.spooner[at]rci.rogers.com
10. Max’s Bagel, Jay Ginsberg, KZST, Santa Rosa, California, jay[at]kzst.com
11. Dance of the Sneezes, Kurt Kaniewski, kurtkoncepts.com, kurt[at]kurtkoncepts.com
12. Gallery 21 – Dali, Luke McPeake, UKRD, Bristol, United Kingdom, luke.mcpeake[at]ukrd.com
13. Blue Flame Ventures – Adam N Phil, Matt Fogarty, Island Radio/Jim Pattison Broadcast Group, Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada, mfogarty[at]islandradio.bc.ca
14. Cronkite, Chris Diestler, Hutton Broadcasting, Santa Fe, New Mexico, chrisd[at]santafe.com
15. Chilli Pepper Hip Hopadum, Tom Ellis, UKRD, Bristol, United Kingdom, tom.ellis[at]ukrd.com
16. Production 212 Audio, Dave Foxx, Z100, New York, davefoxx[at]clearchannel.com
17. The Bible – Is It Reliable?, David M. Booth, Hope for the Heart, Dallas, Texas, dboothe[at]hopefortheheart.org
18. Halloween Howler, Gary McClenaghan, Bell Media, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, gary.mcclenaghan[at]bellmedia.ca
19. Promo Liner 1, Francois Paquin, CHOI Radio, Quebec City, Canada, fpaquin[at]radiox.com
20. Spirit – Win a Wedding, Colin McGinness, UKRD, Bristol, United Kingdom, colin.mcginness[at]ukrd.com
21. KISS Music Promo – Taylor Usher Timberlake, Jamie Montgomery, 105.3 KISS FM, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, Jamie.montgomery[at]ottawaradio.rogers.com
22. Everything Under the Tree, Ryan Spooner/Stephen Ball, Rock 105.3, Medicine Hat, AB, Canada, ryan.spooner[at]rci.rogers.com
23. The Singing Disclaimers, Alan Peterson, Radio America, Washington, DC, apeterson[at]radioamerica.org
24. The Bear – Full Station Montage 2014, Gary McClenaghan, Bell Media, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, gary.mcclenaghan[at]bellmedia.ca


  • The R.A.P. CD - August 2003

    Demo from interview subject, Brian Kelsey at JBK Productions, New York, NY; plus commercials, imaging and promos from Brian Fitzsimmons, Z100, New...