RAP-CD-logo-2Welcome to the June 2014 R.A.P. CD! We’re back to our regular format this month, and we get things started with our Editor’s Choice Award winner, an amazing piece of production from Langley Gerrard at UKRD Group in Bristol, UK. The piece is used as a sales tool to push clients to using creative commercials! Next up is an equally awesome demo from this month’s interview subject, Rob Naughton. Dave Foxx’s Production 212 audio is on track 3. Promos are on tracks 4-11, and commercials are on tracks 12-19. Track 20 is a station profile for Indie88 in Toronto that we mentioned in The Mix from Dave Cockram. The station was nominated for Rock Station of the Year in the Canadian Music and Broadcast Industry Awards! And we wrap it up with a Memorial Day Prayer from George Johnson, who voiced and produced the piece. Stash it for next year! George gives his permission for any station to use.

1. ECA Winner: The Power of Sound, Langley Gerrard, UKRD, Bristol, United Kingdom, langley.gerrard[at]ukrd.com
2. Rob Naughton Demo, Rob Naughton Voiceovers, Edwardsville, Illinois, rob[at]robnaughton.com
3. Production 212 Audio, Dave Foxx, Z100, New York, NY, davefoxx[at]clearchannel.com
4. Fresh Flyaway Promo, Evan Surminski, 991 Fresh FM, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, esurminski[at]cjob.com
5. Bear Sonisphere Launch Promo, Gary McClenaghan, Bell Media, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, gary.mcclenaghan[at]bellmedia.ca
6. Thousand Dollar Thursday promo montage, Jamie Montgomery, Rogers Radio, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, Jamie.montgomery[at]ottawaradio.rogers.com
7. 100K Cash Catch Epic Promo, Matt Innes, Southern Cross Austereo, Broadbeach, QLD, Australia, matt.innes[at]sca.com.au
8. Top Hits Promo, Rick Andrews, Townsquare Media, Amarillo, Texas, rickandrews[at]townsquaremedia.com
9. We Are Local, Cameron Wendt, Bell Media, Fort St. John, British Columbia, Canada, cameron.wendt[at]bellmedia.ca
10. Blake Shelton Tickets, Chris Diestler, Hutton Broadcasting, Santa Fe, New Mexico, chrisd[at]santafe.com
11. Xfest Promo, Ryan Spooner/Stephen Ball, Rock 105.3, Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada, ryan.spooner[at]rci.rogers.com
12. Blue Flame Ventures – Don’t Pay, Matt Fogarty, Island Radio, Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada, mfogarty[at]islandradio.bc.ca
13. Blackberry Demo, Jay Ginsberg, KZST-FM, Santa Rosa, California, jay[at]kzst.com
14. Stray HBC Dive Parents, Luke McPeake, UKRD Group, Bristol, United Kingdom, luke.mcpeake[at]ukrd.com
15. The Deck Store – My Deck is Bigger Than Yours, Robin Egerton, Bell Media, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, robin.egerton[at]bellmedia.ca
16. Pirate – Prevention, Rom Ellis, UKRD Group, Bristol, United Kingdom, tom.ellis[at]ukrd.com
17. Honey Gifts – Discreet Tractor, Jay Helmus, Newcap Radio, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, jhelmus[at]radio-vancouver.ca
18. Games Galore Darts, Kristen Gilchrist, CHAT & MY96, Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada, kgilchrist[at]jpbg.ca
19. Parrot, Jeff Mustard, The Banboo Agency, Delray Beach, Florida, jeff[at]thebambooagency.com
20. Indie88 CMW Submission Station of the Year, Dave Cockram, Indie88, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, dave[at]indie88.com
21. Memorial Day Prayer, George Johnson, Voicebox Productions, Edmonds, Washington, micpro-1[at]comcast.net


  • The R.A.P. Cassette - November 1995

    Production demo from interview subject, Brian Lee @ Advantage Productions; plus promos and commercials from Bill Schultz @ WYNY, Garry “D” @ KHKS...