RAP-CD-logo-2Welcome to the December 2014 R.A.P. CD! Up first is this month’s Editor’s Choice Award winner, some excellent splitters from Gary McClenaghan at Bell Media. Track 2 is audio from this month’s interviewee, CJ Goodearl. It contains two demos, the first is a VO demo featuring some new VO work from CJ, and the second is an imaging demo for WJRR and WTKS, which features the voices of Malcolm Ryker and Jill Belloma. (CJ is on the Rush segment only.) Gary McClenaghan gets some more shine this month on track 3, which is audio for this month’s Producer’s VU column. Dave Foxx gives us some Jingle Ball promos on track 4, and we get more promos on tracks 5-10. Commercials are on tracks 11-20 with three spots from a well-done campaign on track 15. We wrap it up on tracks 21 and 22 with some Halloween imaging. Evan Surminski offers up some cool splitters on track 21, and Jay Helmus takes it to the extreme with a total, one-day rebrand of the station to “Dead 95-3” on track 22.

As you probably already know, this is the last R.A.P. CD as we move our audio online. The R.A.P. CD will become the R.A.P. Soundstage.

1. ECA Winner: Bear Workday Meanwhile Splitters, Gary McClenaghan, Bell Media, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, gry.mcclenaghan[at]bellmedia.ca
2. CJ Goodearl VO/Imaging Demos, CJ Goodearl, iHeartMedia, CJ Goodearl Voiceovers, Orlando, Florida, cj[at]cjgoodearl.com
3. Producer’s VU: Bear – Tee Off With Jess Promo, Gary McClenaghan, Bell Media, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, gary.mcclenaghan[at]bellmedia.ca
4. Production 212 Audio: Z100 Jingle Ball Promos x 3, Dave Foxx, Z100, New York, davefoxx[at]iheartmedia.com
5. Sun – Ed Sheeran Gig, Adam Venton, UKRD, Bristol, United Kingdom, adam.venton[at]ukrd.com
6. Gold Digger Promo 3, Jay Helmus, Newcap Radio, Richmond, British Columbia, Canada, jhelmus[at]newcap.ca
7. Ariana Grande Weekend – For the Dogs!, Brian Whitaker, Saga Communications, Des Moines, Iowa, bwhitaker[at]desmoinesradiogroup.com
8. Messy Mike’s, Cameron Wendt, Bell Media, Fort St. Johns, British Columbia, Canada, Cameron.wendt[at]bellmedia.ca
9. Rock Show, Francois Paquin, CHOI Radio, Radio X, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, fpaquin[at]radiox.com
10. Selena Gomez Winning Weekend, Jamie Montgomery, KISS FM, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, Jamie.montgomery[at]ottawaradio.rogers.com
11. Smokin George – Meat Good, Matt Fogarty, Island Radio/Jim Pattison Broadcast Group, BC, Canada, mfogarty[at]islandradio.bc.ca
12. We Buy Junk Cars – Trick or Treat, Jack Phillips, Alpha Media, Louisville, KY, jack.phillips[at]alphamediausa.com
13. Hesketh Contracting, Tim Hammond, Southern Cross Austereo, Bunbury, WA, Australia, tim.hammond[at]sca.com.au
14. Crave Cupcakes, Richard Stroobant, SAIT Polytechnic, Richard.stroobant[at]sait.ca
15. Fulton Hogan 3 x :30, Matthew Redmond, Southern Cross Austereo, Bunbury, WA, Australia, matthew.redmond[at]sca.com.au
16. Five Star Athletics, Cameron Wendt, Bell Media, Fort St. Johns, British Columbia, Canada, Cameron.wendt[at]bellmedia.ca
17. Fresno City Vapor, Andrew Frame, BAF Soundworks, Lehigh Acres, Florida, Andrew[at]bafsoundworks.com
18. Realm Sexy, Jay Ginsberg, KZST-FM, jay[at]kzst.com
19. $50 Offer – Cattle Prod, Kurt Kaniewski, Kurt Koncepts, kurt[at]kurtkoncepts.com
20. Blossoms – Movies, Ryan Spooner & Stephen Ball, Rogers Radio, Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada, ryan.spooner[at]rci.rogers.com
21. 991 Fresh FM Halloween Splitters, Evan Surminski, Corus Radio, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, esurminski[at]cjob.com
22. Z953 Halloween Snapshot (Dead 953 Rebrand), Jay Helmus, Newcap Radio, Richmond, British Columbia, Canada, jhelmus[at]newcap.ca


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