RAP-CD-logo-2Welcome to the May 2013 RAP CD as we present the 23rd Annual RAP Awards Best of the Rest Part 2. This month we shine the light on Feature Productions and Promos, with Feature Productions on tracks 1-8, Small Market Promos on tracks 9-13, Medium Market Promos on tracks 14-19, and Large Market Promos on tracks 20-22. Like last month's "Best of the Rest", these are entries that came very close to making it to the finals, some missing it by a single vote! Great work everyone! (Note: The name listed next to the entry title is the name of the individual submitting the entry. In most cases, this person is the entry's producer, copywriter, or voice talent, or any combination thereof. In cases where the person submitting the entry was not listed in the credits, we have substituted the producer's name.) Next month we're back to our regular CD format. 

1. Milwaukee Gets Energy, Brian Whitaker, Saga Communications, Des Moines, Iowa, bwhitaker[at]desmoinesradiogroup.com
2. Shit Guys Do, Anthony McNutt, Newcap Radio, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, jcalnan[at]newcap.ca
3. Dylan Versus This World – History, Sheldon Hovde, Jim Pattison Broadcast Group, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, Sheldon[at]theq.fm
4. Be a Producer, Ron Tarrant, Rogers Broadcasting, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, pureproduction[at]live.ca
5. Energy 1035 - Halifax Launch, Sean Galbraith, Prod God Productions, Pickering, Ontario, Canada, sean[at]z1035.com
6. Z1035 Custom Song Intros, Azeem Haq, Evanov Radio Group, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Azeem[at]z1035.com
7. Hey, Hey Mom (I'm Still Latching On), Dave Savage, Clear Channel, Atlanta, Georgia, davesavage[at]clearchannel.com
8. Toronto Blue Jays Play-by-play, Justin Spencer Dove, Core Image Studio, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, studio[at]coreimagestudio.com
9. Quadra Village Days - We Are Quadra, Sheldon Hovde, Jim Pattison Broadcast Group, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, Sheldon[at]theq.fm
10. Find Rock 97.9's Balls – Outback, Ryan Leininger, Rogers Broadcasting, Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada, Ryan.Leininger[at]rci.rogers.com
11. Power 104 - These Prizes, Doug Loepp, Power 104/Q103, Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada, doug[at]power104.fm
12. Santa Tracker, Aaron Bischoff, 99.7 Sun Country, High River, Alberta, Canada, awade[at]goldenwestradio.com
13. Swiftsure Boat Race - I'm on a Boat, Sheldon Hovde, Jim Pattison Broadcast Group, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, Sheldon[at]theq.fm
14. Deadmau5 Live, Ron Tarrant, 91.7 The Bounce, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, pureproduction[at]live.ca
15. KX Movember Rain, Jim Van Dusen, Astral Radio, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, jvandusen[at]astral.com
16. Xmas Sales Advertising, Colin McGinness, UKRD, Bristol, United Kingdom, colinmcginness[at]ukrd.com
17. Win a Dad, Ron Tarrant, 91.7 The Bounce, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, pureproduction[at]live.ca
18. Sticky Fingers Chicken, Joe Meinecke, Saga Communications, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, jmeinecke[at]wklh.com
19. ZM's World Tour 83 - Coachella Festival, Keiran Bell, The Radio Network, Auckland, New Zealand, keiran[at]zmonline.com
20. Flyaway Fridays, Sean Galbraith, Evanov Radio Group, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Azeem[at]z1035.com
21. Rock Da Boat, Matt VanEssen, Astral Radio, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, abeers[at]astral.com
22. WTVN-Rush Limbaugh - "Bogart", Dave Savage, Clear Channel, Atlanta, Georgia, davesavage[at]clearchannel.com


  • The R.A.P. Cassette - August 1997

    Production demo from interview subject, John Pellegrini @ WLS-AM, Chicago; plus imaging, promo and commercials from Jeff Berlin @ WXKS-FM, Boston;...