Feature: "Outside The Box" -- A View From Outside the Media Industry

By Erik Cudd

I'm no expert, but I am what every Media Company in the world desires most, I am a user, a listener, a viewer, a member of the audience. Five or six years ago my personal listening and viewing habits began to evolve from the popular mainstream choices of hit songs and great hooks to discussion and information. I'm not sure what caused this change, but I suspect it was because everything I was hearing and seeing from inside the Industry just didn't seem to be changing or causing any excitement anymore. Now, before you write off my article, hang with me and give me a chance to state my case. I am not saying that there is no Media outlet doing anything worthwhile, nor am I one of the many I see online saying Radio is dead or this dead, and so on. What I am saying is that now that I am on the outside, I have seen some things and observed some things that may be of value to you if you are still in the Industry in some way shape or form. Unsolicited advice is never wanted, so what I offer is not advice, I offer my view as your customer, your client, your user, and frankly I think you need a shot in the arm so listen up!

Feature: Salespeople: What would you like the production people you work with to know about YOUR world?

from www.radiosalescafe.com

In the October 2012 issue of RAP, we featured the following Q It Up question: "What would you like the salespeople you work with to know about your world?" Rod Schwartz of Radio Sales Café (www.radiosalescafe.com – RAP Interview Feb/Mar 2012) offered to post the responses we received on his website for salespeople and solicited responses from them. We present those responses below, which are also available on the Radio Sales Café website forum. Not all responses are from salespeople, as radiosalescafe.com has many producers as members also.

Last month's [October 2012] Radio And Production (RAP) Magazine featured a lively discussion on the question: "What would you like the salespeople you work with to know about your world?" You might be surprised at the responses that poured in from producers. Many were passionate and truly helpful; some pulled no punches in describing the occasionally fractious relationship between sales and production. I enjoyed reading their responses and I think you will, too. In the interest of fairness, we'd like to give salespeople the opportunity to weigh in with their thoughts: What would you like the production people you work with to know about YOUR world?

Technology: Your Password Shouldn't Be Swordfish

by Steve Cunningham

This month we're going to examine an issue that has nothing to do with recording, editing, or processing audio. However, it has everything to do with radio professionals, production professionals and pro voice actors, because all these use websites and email as an integral part of getting their respective jobs done. We all have multiple email accounts and visit hundreds of websites as part of our daily routines, and often share critical personal and business information via those channels. Yet we hear stories monthly (and often weekly) about accounts being hacked and personal information ending up in the hands of various nefarious characters and even criminal enterprises. Yet there is one aspect of our use of electronic data communication that we can easily fortify against those who would steal that information, yet few of us actually do it. It's simple to implement, costs virtually nothing, and makes our precious information much more difficult to utilize for malicious purposes. That aspect is our method of authentication and choice of passwords.

Production 212: New Beginnings

by Dave Foxx

So, here we are at the start of a new year, a time many people use to evaluate their lives, getting introspective about personal and professional goals, making plans to better achieve those goals and wondering what else they can do to make life better. We all have been encouraged to make resolutions to do this or that better and in the process, become more advanced human beings. Professionally, I'm sure many of you think about making a move to a bigger market or perhaps going "across the street" to a competitor, always seeking that upward momentum within the business. If that's you, good luck! I sincerely hope you find what you're looking for. In 2012 I met a LOT of people who are finding their own personal Nirvana in smaller markets, where joining the PTA, getting involved in the city council and attending Friday night High School football games makes you truly happy. I salute ALL of you. The fact that you're reading this magazine says a lot. Whether you have aspirations of taking over my job one day, or are finding real happiness putting down roots wherever you are, you're about making what you do better, growing your skills, expanding your understanding and being all you can be.

Radio Hed: Story Forms for Radio Writers – The Legend

by Jeffrey Hedquist

Searching for a way to bring your client's story to life? Immortalize the advertiser in a legend. A legend is a story with the quality of verisimilitude. However, there's great flexibility in defining what's within the realm of possibility, and that gives you great freedom in creating a legend for your client. A legend is presented as factual, yet can include miracles, amazing feats in a historical and cultural context and asks the listener to suspend disbelief. The Brothers Grimm defined legend as folktale historically grounded. You can think of legends as rumors with staying power. Urban legends are contemporary examples. They fascinate us and have enough connection to reality (real persons, location, time) to make them memorable and believable, if not always believed.

"...And Make It Real Creative!": Emails... Yes, We Get Emails!

by Trent Rentcsh

Since we're kicking off the New Year and we haven't done it in a while, I thought I'd dedicate this month to some of the emails I've gotten this past year about the column. I know there have been... ahh... a whole bunch... er... well, many, anyway... hmmm... at the very least, several... huh. Well, this is embarrassing. I can't seem to find one. Ha, you know, I know what happened... I changed computers, like, twice this past year. I bet they all got lost in the migration... yes, I'm sure that was it. Because there were SO MANY... that has to be the explanation... Luckily for us, there have been some memorable ones, so I think I can make up, er, remember a couple. Let's see...

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  • The R.A.P. Cassette - February 1996

    Production demo from interview subjects Klem Daniels and John Dodge @ KidStar in Seattle; plus great work from Tom Warner/Charlie Van Dyke @ WFOX...