RAP-CD-logo-2Welcome to the September 2011 RAP CD! We kick things off with the second winner of the new Radio And Production Editor's Choice Award, "Locker Room at JB's/12 Oz. Curls" from Ryan Keith, Zimmer Radio! Get more info on the Editor's Choice Award and my reasons for picking this month's winner on the RAPforum at www.rapmag.com.

Production 212 audio from Dave Foxx is on track 2. Commercials are on tracks 3 through 18. Promos are on tracks 19 through 26. We uncovered a stash of odd pieces of production from way back that we're going to add to the CD over the next few months. This month, we go back 10 years for some gems. We get a spoof on track 27. Track 28 comes from Richard Stroobant back at his CJAY days. Richard notes: The other Producer, Ryan Stockert and I put together this parody song about a politician here in Canada, who lied about being on a radio talk show. His assistant claimed to be the politician for an interview. The media found out and the shit hit the fan. He couldn't make the interview 'cause he was opening a coffee shop (typical). Rich Conway offers another Squid episode on track 29 (gee, I miss those!). And track 30 comes with these notes: Here's a song parody that our morning show put together. Based on George Michael's "Faith", this is called "Cake". An appropriate song for those who've eaten too much during the holidays. It was written by the show's writer, Patrick Charles; sung by him and the morning show producer, Leo Da Estrela, and they go by the name of "Milli Willi", a Milli Vanilli spoof. It's free for anyone to use.

1. ♦ Locker Room at JB's/12 Oz. Curls, Ryan Keith, Zimmer Radio Creative, ryank(at)zrgmail.com
2. Production 212 Audio, Dave Foxx, Z100, New York, NY, davefoxx(at)clearchannel.com
3. Brenwood Suzuki, Sean Bell, Sounds Good Studios, United Kingdom, sean(at)sounds-good.biz
4. Brody's Burgers, Jay Ginsberg, KZST/KJZY/KTRY, Santa Rosa, California, jay(at)kzst.com
5. Dos Pistolas Salsa/The Gormet Bandito, Alan White, Citadel Broadcasting, Colorado Springs, CO, Alan.White(at)Citcomm.com
6. Dial Before You Dig, Mark Murphy, FIVEaa, Adelaide, South Australia, mmurphy(at)dmgradio.com.au
7. Choices, Lee Rugen, Moody Radio, Chicago, Illinois, lee.rugen(at)moody.edu
8. Clearview Eye Clinic, Rod Schwartz, Grace Broadcast Sales, Pullman, Washington, rod(at)gracebroadcast.com
9. City Center Condominiums, Deborah Hopkins, KOOL/KFUN, Kitchener, ON, Canada, Deborah.hopkins(at)bellmedia.ca
10. OTV Technologies/2 Girls 1 Cup, Gary McClenaghan, Harvard Broadcasting, Regina, SK, Canada, garym(at)harvardbroadcasting.com
11. Big Rock Brewery, Steve Thompson, Kool-FM, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada, stevethompson(at)chumradio.com
12. Headquarter Honda/Greentips-4 The Birds, CJ Goodearl, Clear Channel, Orlando, FL, cjgoodearl(at)clearchannel.com
13. Longwood Brewpub/Barley, Zachary Parkscott, Island Radio, Nanaimo, BC, Canada, zparkscott(at)islandradio.bc.ca
14. Flow/Triple Play, Johnny George, Johnny George Communications, Fishers, Indiana, vo(at)johnnygeorge.com
15. Morningwood Toyota, Robin J. Egerton, CKLM-FM, Lloydminster, Alberta, Canada, robin(at)borderrock.com
16. Heritage Design, Mike Vuckovich, KOOL/KFUN, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada, mike.vuckovich(at)bellmedia.ca
17. Bobby the Deal Finder, Ryan La Via, Dougall Media, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada, rlavia(at)dougallmedia.com
18. Sugar Creek Casino, Rick Andrews, TownSquare Media, Amarillo, Texas, rickandrews(at)townsquaremedia.com
19. Jack FM Top Hour Montage Mashup #2, Dave Cockram, Rogers Radio, dave.cocram(at)rci.rogers.com
20. Taylor Pre, Bill Jackson, JRfm/The PEAK, bjackson(at)jrfm.com
21. Towneley Live, Adam Venton, The Bee/UKRD Group, Bristol, United Kingdom, adam.venton(at)ukrd.com
22. Only FMTS/FHF, Rich Boerner, (formerly with) KLSX, Los Angeles, California
23. Manhole to the Masters #2, Gary McClenaghan, Harvard Broadcasting, Regina, SK, Canada, garym(at)harvardbroadcasting.com
24. Rock Box/Callers, Matt Wallace, CHWK-FM, Chilliwack, British Columbia, Canada, matt(at)895thehawk.com
25. Katy Perry Tour, Matt Innes, 90.9 SeaFM, Gold Coast, QLD, Australia, matt.innes(at)scmedia.com.au
26. Where Are Tiger's Balls #2, Anthony McNutt, Newcap Radio, amcnutt(at)newcap.ca
27. Metallica Loves You, Mark Fraser, Metro Radio Group, Halifax, NS, Canada, mrgproduction(at)mrg.ca
28. The Real Rahim Jaffer, Richard Stroobant, CJAY, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
29. The Squid Scene, Rich Conway, WCCC/WBOQ, Hartford, Connecticut
30. Cake, Patrick Charles/Leo Da Estrela, CFQR-FM, Montreal, Canada, pierre.gervais(at)q92fm.com


  • The R.A.P. CD - February 2003

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