Q It Up: Still not using Pro Tools? Why haven't you made the switch? -- Part 2

Q It Up: Still not using Pro Tools? Why haven't you made the switch? What program are you using now, and why have you stayed with this one? Have you tried any others along the way? And if you are a Pro Tools user, have you always been, or did you switch from some other program? Which one or ones did you migrate from and how did they compare to Pro Tools?

(This question has also been carried over to the RAPforum for further discussion.)

Production 212: Love It or Leave It

by Dave Foxx

August is one time of year here in New York, when there's a line winding down the hall and out the door of young college students hoping to bag a couple of credits interning at Z100. Most of the successful candidates end up working with the Elvis Duran & The Z100 Morning Show, a few go to the Promotions crew. The rest end up in one of the other departments, including Production. One of the reasons colleges recommend interning at Z100 is we've become known for providing a real learning experience rather than a "file papers – fetch coffee" internship. Imaging interns are required to write, coach the VO and fully produce six sweepers and two promos during their tenure. That way, they're getting real-life experience and actually have something to add to their eventual demo. Oh, did I mention that all of their work must actually play on Z100?

Test Drive: Hindenburg Journalist Pro

by Steve Cunningham

These days, when I see a new product designed specifically for radio content, I'm interested. Okay, perhaps when it comes to transmitters, HD encoders and the like, not so much. But when I happened across a press release from a Danish company now known as Hindenburg Systems -- formerly Nsaka -- that described a new editor which promised to speed and simplify the capture and production process, my plans for this month's review took a 180 turn. The new editor is Hindenburg Journalist Pro, and while its intended market is broadcast journalists, it's also eminently suitable for use in voiceover and medium-weight commercial production.

...And Make It Real Creative: Being Wally Wingert, Act II

by Trent Rentsch

A refresher, before the curtain rises. Wally Wingert is a voice actor... a talent at the top of his game, voicing projects most of us can only dream of. But, it all had to start somewhere. For Wally, it was the stages and airwaves of South Dakota, where he built a reputation as a gifted Creative. But Wally had bigger stages in his crosshairs. When the curtain fell on Act I, Wally had gotten airplay of his song parodies on the nationally syndicated Doctor Demento Show, but his real dream was just beginning...

Radio Hed: Remote Radio Directing

by Jeffrey Hedquist

A frustrated radio person asked: "How do you convey the tone you want a commercial to take, the nuance, so to speak, to the talent? If they are in studio, I can just read it like I want it to sound. However, we send some production out and I'm sometimes disappointed in the results. It's not their fault, of course; I need to learn what words to use to convey my thoughts. Help! "

Notes Off the Napkin: Wgets and Writing

by Andrew Frame

Lately, the amount of writing has taken a backseat to the amount of voicing and producing. Most of it is from small market salespeople and television, so they're really at the mercy of their customer ("here's a list of everything on sale, don't forget to include all six of our locations"), or they've continued down the trail of carrying along bad habits from the person who "trained" them. I wrote a flowchart for one my reps that likes to try her hand at writing copy from time to time. I give this as a seminar piece when I have the opportunity to work with sales departments.

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