RAP-CD-logo-2Welcome to the November 2010 RAP CD! Production 212 audio from Dave Foxx gets things started on track 1. Promos fill out tracks 2-16. Track 6 is an interesting music promo from a 2nd year student at SAIT's broadcast class. The Beatles promo uses instrumental clips only rather than the typical montage of vocal hooks. Commercials load up tracks 17-26. Once again, we get some special work from the SAIT students on track 22, a Crimestoppers PSA. Teach Richard Stroobant notes: "...at the annual International Crimestoppers Gala last month, they have an awards night. I guess Crimestoppers is worldwide with 1300 divisions in Canada, Europe, the U.S., India, Australia, etc. And they give out 3 audio awards, one for small, medium and large markets. My students won the medium market award (population 750,000-2 million) for best PSA!!!!" Kudos to Richard and his students! We wrap up the CD with a various selection of exceptional work on tracks 27-30. And don't forget to play track 12 from Joel Moss for your entire on-air staff! They'll relate.

1. Production 212 audio, Dave Foxx, Z100, New York, NY, davefoxx[at]clearchannel.com
2. Potbelleez Takeover, Kyal Rose, RadioWest & Hot FM Networks, Bunbury, WA, Australia, kyal.rose[at]radiowest.com.au
3. Toys of Summer, Zachary Parkscott, Island Radio/CKWF, Nanaimo, BC, Canada, zparkscott[at]islandradio.bc.ca
4. Jamaica Giveaway, Gary McClenaghan, Harvard Broadcasting, Regina, Sask., Canada, garym[at]harvardbroadcasting.com
5. Lady Gaga, Jon Carter, Megahertz Studios, Charlotte, North Carolina, jc[at]megahertzstudios.com
6. Beatles Promo, Tom Martin, SAIT. Calgary, Alberta, Canada, stroobant[at]hotmail.com
7. Halloween Promo, Jeff Clovis, Tiessen Media, Airdrie, Alberta, Canada, production1[at]tiessenmedia.com
8. Soundtrack Girl Jingle, Rich Boerner, (formerly with) KLSX, Los Angeles, California
9. Workforce Lunch/Swiss Chalet, Steve Thompson, Kool-FM, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada, sthompson[at]koolfm.com
10. Beertoberfest, CJ Goodearl, Clear Channel, Orlando, Florida, cjgoodearl[at]clearchannel.com
11. Kool Team Tuesdays, Mike Vuckovich, Kool-FM, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada, mvuckovich[at]koolfm.com
12. How to Call a Radio Station, Joel Moss, WEBN-FM, Cincinnati, Ohio, jmoss[at]webn.com
13. Rock N Roll Stampede, Robin J. Egerton, CKLM-FM, Lloydminster, Alberta, Canada, robin[at]borderrock.com
14. Money.Aol.com, Rob Frazier, Rob Frazier Creative, Burbank, California, rob[at]robfraziercreative.com
15. Hockey Month on Rock 94, Scott Chasty, Dougall Media, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada, schasty[at]dougallmedia.com
16. Englebert Humperdink, Trevor Gobeil, Dougall Media, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada, tgobeil[at]dougallmedia.com
17. Fox Sports Grill Halloween, Jeff Clovis, Tiessen Media, Airdrie, Alberta, Canada, production1[at]tiessenmedia.com
18. Little Green Monster, Celeste Grebinski, Harvard Broadcasting, Regina, Sask., Canada, cgrebinski[at]harvardbroadcasting.com
19. RG Brewskis/Football, CJ Goodearl, Clear Channel, Orlando, Florida, cjgoodearl[at]clearchannel.com
20. Moody Distance Learning, Lee Rugen, Moody Broadcasting, Chicago, Illinois, lee.rugen[at]moody.edu
21. Forbes Waterloo Toyota, Steve Thompson, Kool-FM, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada, stevethompson[at]chumradio.com
22. Crimestoppers PSA, SAIT Students, SAIT. Calgary, Alberta, Canada, stroobant[at]hotmail.com
23. Evesham Tyre/Winter Check, Sean Bell, Sounds Good Studios, East Yorkshire, United Kingdom, sean[at]sounds-good.biz
24. Nanaimo Clippers/Sam Scout, Zachary Parkscott, Island Radio/CKWF, Nanaimo, BC, Canada, zparkscott[at]islandradio.bc.ca
25. Blackthorn/Lunch Buffet, Steve Stone, Zimmer Radio, Joplin, Missouri, sstone[at]zrgmail.com
26. Utah Shakespere, Von Coffman, Bonneville Radio Group, Salt Lake City, Utah, vcoffman[at]ksl.com
27. Power Intros , Ben Marks, GWR, Bristol, United Kingdom, Ben.Marks[at]thisisglobal.com
28. WEEB/Bright Side Sweepers, Jon Carter, Megahertz Studios, Charlotte, North Carolina, jc[at]megahertzstudios.com
29. Arch's Island of Misfit Songs, Jay Philpott, WARH-FM, St. Louis, Missouri, jaydio[at]aol.com
30. Goodnight, Tweet Prince, Nick Tozzi, WCPN-FM, Cleveland, Ohio, nicktozzi[at]hotmail.com


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