The R.A.P. Interview: "Sideshow" Mike Andersen, Network Image Producer, Triple M, Sydney, Australia

by Jerry Vigil

Each year we try to shine the spotlight on at least one individual who stood out in that year's Radio And Production Awards competition. This year, that person was "Sideshow" Mike Andersen, imaging producer at Austereo's Triple M in Sydney, Australia. Mike picked up the winner's trophy and a runner-up prize in the Feature Productions category, and a winner's trophy in the Large Market Promo category. This month's RAP Interview introduces you to this awesome talent down under as we get the inside story on his winning entries and take a close look at his amazing run of fifteen years at Triple M. What you'll probably find most amazing is Mike's daily task list for imaging the station, which doesn't come from programmers down the hall or in some corporate programming office. He creates it himself. Check out this month's RAP CD for an encore presentation of Mike's winning entries along with Mike's latest production demo.

Production 212: What REALLY Makes Your Work...Work!

by Dave Foxx

I had a rather long and detailed discussion a couple of weeks ago about what we all do for a living. As you might guess, it was with someone totally unfamiliar with the broadcast and advertising businesses, except as a consumer. The odd thing was, I think I came away learning more about our business than she did. Very often, I feel the same way about this column; I probably learn more from writing than you do from reading it. (At this pace, I might end up being the genius I think I am... or not.) What I learned from this particular encounter is that our audience doesn't have a clue about how it influences them. Whether it's to buy a specific item or brand, use a service or just continue to listen to the same radio station, the motivation to do so is pretty much unrecognized. They seldom, if ever, know that they're being sold or encouraged to do anything at all. Oh, they recognize a commercial for what it is and understand the overall purpose of such a message, but never realize what it is that actually nudges them in the direction we want them to go. The question for this column is, do you?

Technology: The Year Of The Penguin - Part Two

by Andrew Frame

Last issue, I presented some background on myself (the non-audio-guy side), and did a quick poke at Microsoft's Windows and Apple's OSX. And, I hope I made it clear that this isn't an "Us versus Them" thing. The one thing that has to be kept in mind is that you use the computer system that works best for you. As a businessman, my first interest is keeping my customers happy. Happy customers mean cash flow. What I do with the cash flow is my second business interest. As a sole proprietor, I don't have to worry too much about licensing issues with software. I buy the computer; it comes with Windows or OSX and the license fee is included in the price. If I buy software, I buy the license to use it along with the physical media, like a disk or a download, also for the purchase price. But, say I want to equip everyone in my production guild with the same piece of software so we all have exact compatibility. I may only need to buy the physical media once, and install it across the network – but I have to buy a license for every machine. That can get hugely expensive.

...And Make It Real Creative - The Creative Tap Room: First Round

by Trent Rentsch

It's probably been 20 years ago now, and although I can't remember a word I said, I still see that cold, disinterested look in her eyes. Frankly, it was her fault. We were having one of those drunken "WOW, what a great book" parties for the station at some local watering hole, when this Sales Rep staggered over to me and asked THEE question... "Wherez all thozzzeh GRRRRRREAT Creative kinda idea'zzzz yerz come frum?" I, being nearer to under the table than she was, began to tell her. As I rambled on, her smile slowly faded, her head began to tilt, and then came that glazed look in her eyes... I went cold turkey after that night. No, not from drinking, God forbid! What I gave up was answering any questions about where my Creativity comes from, because I realized that the average person really doesn't want to know. On the other hand, fellow Creatives never tire of hearing where others think their Creativity comes from. Personally, I have a lot of friends all over the world that I'd love to get together around one big bar and pose the question. So, why not...

Radio Hed: Artificial Deadlines

by Jeffrey Hedquist

I've put off writing this article long enough. Procrastination: no matter how far into the future a deadline looms, I seem to always wait until the last possible day, hour, minute, second. Even if I try to plan ahead, other projects with more urgency always seem to get in the way until time runs out, then I kick into action and it gets done. In an attempt to preserve my adrenal glands, I'm trying a new approach. I lie to myself.

Q It Up: The RAP Network Speaks - How are you dealing with the challenge of being creative in 10 or 15 seconds?

Q It Up: Have you noticed the flood of 10 and 15 second spots coming through your department lately? As a writer and/or producer, how are you dealing with the challenge of being creative in 10 or 15 seconds? Is it possible with any regularity? What tricks have you learned about the "quickie creative"? Ten seconds may work on TV, but are we serving the client well with these short spots on radio? Feel free to add any other thoughts you may have on the subject.

If you have a question for the RAP Network, email it to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.!

Feature: What a Difference a Decade Makes

by Ed Thompson

There once was a little Production Director in Quincy, Illinois who wrote a letter to Radio And Production Magazine in January of 2000. It was titled "Spec Spots Suck". It was a little ditty that broke down the cost of creating a spec spot and how it cost a radio station more money than it made. Bold statement then. Bold statement still. Yet, something about that letter prompted Jerry Vigil, the proprietor of this extremely informative and well written magazine to do something strange. He offered me a chance at being a contributor to this publication. So it is not without out a lot of thought, not without a lot of prayer, and not without some regret that I am going to make this my last contribution to a magazine that I believe is so very important to our industry and to those of us who do what we do.

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  • The R.A.P. Cassette - May 1996

    Production demo from interview subject, Ron Drew; plus commercials, imaging and more from Rich Boerner @ WTKS Orlando, Craig Jackman @ CHEZ FM...