RAP-CD-logo-2Welcome to the September 2009 RAP CD, brought to you in part by "Warp," the new imaging library from Alien Imaging. Check out the demo on track 1.

We kick things off with audio from this month's interview subject, Rachel McGrath on track 2. Track 3 is audio for Dave Foxx's Production 212 column. Commercials are on tracks 4 through 15 with several gems in the group. Promos are on tracks 16 through 28, and the last two tracks we save for our usual fun stuff.

1. WARP Imaging FX Demo - www.alien-imaging.com
2. Audio from Rachel McGrath, Clear Channel/PlayOnPlanetNominal, Atlanta, GA, Rachel[at]playonplanetnominal.com
3. Production 212 Audio – Dave Foxx, Z100, New York, NY, davefoxx[at]clearchannel.com
4. Camera Land Sandton City, Lindsay Johnson, Primedia Broadcasting, Johannesburg, South Africa, lindsayj[at]primedia.co.za
5. House 2 Home/Hot Seat Sale, Ben Malcolm, Rogers Radio, Vancouver, BC, Canada, ben.malcolm[at]rci.rogers.com
6. Bramer Auto/Arnold, Daniel Shandroski, NCI 101.5 FM, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, dshandroski[at]ncifm.com
7. Kyle Mulligan Pro Shop/Clothes Sale, Robin J. Egerton, CKLM-FM, Lloydminster, Alb., Canada, robin[at]borderrock.com
8. DentBusters/Hail Damage, Royce Stevenson, KDGS, Wichita, Kansas, royce_stevenson2000[at]yahoo.com
9. The Studio of Dance/Diction, Tony Kingston, Rawlco Radio, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, tkingston[at]rawlco.com
10. Milo Cleaners/Wearing Dirt, Johnny George, Johnny George Communications, Fishers, Indiana, vo[at]johnnygeorge.com
11. Cam Clark Ford/Employee Pricing, Ron Tarrant, Tiessen Media, Airdrie, Alb., Canada, production1[at]tiessenmedia.com
12. City Wood Floors, Sean Bell, NYPD, New Yorkshire, United Kingdom, seanbell[at]nypd.uk.com
13. Underground Paintball, Steve Franzman, Zimmer Radio, Joplin, Missouri, sfranzman[at]zrgmail.com
14. XL Sales Recruitment, CJ Goodearl, Clear Channel, Orlando, Florida, cjgoodearl[at]clearchannel.com
15. Lawn Rangers :15 campaign (3 spots), Buzz Calhoun, Clear Channel, Shreveport, LA, buzzcalhoun[at]clearchannel.com
16. Jack FM/Sales Mockimonial, Dave Cockram, Rogers Radio, Vancouver, BC, Canada, dave.cockram[at]rci.rogers.com
17. Energy Music Promo, Elisabeth Bowers, CHUM Radio, Peterborough, Ont., Canada, Elisabeth.Bowers[at]chumradio.com
18. Most Interesting Man, Brad Lane, KSTP-AM, Minneapolis, Minnesota, Blane[at]am1500.com
19. Sound of Joburg Promo & Imaging, Lindsay Johnson, Primedia Broadcasting, Johannesburg, South Africa, lindsayj[at]primedia.co.za
20. Jet FM/Party on the Patio 4, Robin J. Egerton, CKLM-FM, Lloydminster, Alberta, Canada, robin[at]borderrock.com
21. Virus/Replay Promo, Jerry Rohira, Sirius XM Satellite Radio, New York, NY, Jerry.Rohira[at]siriusxm.com
22. Paul Van Dyk in New York City, Sean Galbraith, Z103.5, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, sean[at]z1035.com
23. Free Montage, Rich Boerner, (formerly) KLSX, Los Angeles, California
24. Maiden Concert, Dave Cruickshank, Rock 105.3, Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada, dave[at]dc-digital.net
25. Drop Zone, Joel Moss, WEBN-FM, Cincinnati, Ohio, jmoss[at]webn.com
26. Iron Maiden Listener Promo, Robin Jay, The Goat/CKLM-FM, Lloydminster, Alberta, Canada, robin[at]borderrock.com
27. RAW Kickback, Brian Whitaker, Saga Communications, Des Moines, Iowa, brian[at]whitakerdesign.net
28. Timbaland Trip, Chris Nicoll, ZM Network, Auckland, New Zealand, wizz[at]zmonline.com
29. Kung Fu Theatre/Pretty Woman, Ryan Keith, Zimmer Radio, Joplin, Missouri, ryank[at]zrgmail.com
30. Hip Hop is Easy, Gary McClenaghan, Harvard Broadcasting, Regina, Sask., Canada, garym[at]harvardbroadcasting.com