RAP-CD-logo-2Happy New Year and welcome to the January 2008 RAP CD! We kick things off with a sampler from interview subject, Steve Wein, that showcases his writing and voice styles, and ends with a spot ("Cheeburger, Cheeburger") that won a local Addy in Ft. Myers, then the Regional Addy for the Florida/Caribbean district, and the "Charlie Award," which is "best of show" for the Florida/Caribbean district. Track 2 is audio from Dave Foxx for this month's Production 212 column. Promos fill out tracks 3 through 13, starting with one from Joel Moss which was inspired by the recent story about a guy who cut off his arm with a pocketknife to save his life. Commercials are on tracks 14 through 22. And yes, track 14 ("Egg Farts") is a legitimate spot; it's just what happens when they let CJ write copy for commercials. Track 23 from Al Peterson takes a shot at the "ho ho ho" debate. Al notes: "...the second cut is the raw voice track that shows we weren't cursing at all, that any conclusions drawn by the listener are due to good editing and their imaginations." Track 24 from Abe Kelledjian was actually done by Dave Dawson, a student in his 3rd semester of the Radio Broadcasting Program at Fanshawe College. Abe notes: "He wrote, voiced, and produced this entire piece, and did ALL of the voices." And Rich Conway wraps it up with some fun stuff on track 25. Great work everyone and thanks for your support of the RAP CD!

1. Demo from Steve Wein, KTRS-AM, St. Louis, Missouri, captainvoiceover[at]yahoo.com, swein[at]ktrs.com
2. Production 212 Audio – Dave Foxx, Z100, New York, NY, davefoxx[at]clearchannel.com
3. Survivor Frog, Joel Moss, WEBN-FM, Cincinnati, Ohio, jmoss[at]webn.com
4. Hot 91's White Chris-Moose, Vaughn Jones, Hot 91, Sunshine Coast, Australia, production[at]scoastradio.com.au
5. Q Jet/Van Halen, Anthony McNutt, Imagingwork.com, Kentville, Nova Scotia, Canada, a.mcnutt[at]mrg.ca
6. Kool FM Workforce, Mike Vuckovich, Kool-FM, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada, mvuckovich[at]koolfm.com
7. WJRR Onlne Store, C.J. Goodearl, Clear Channel, Orlando, Florida, cjgoodearl[at]clearchannel.com
8. Poster Boy Kickoff, Steve Thompson, Kool-FM, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada, sthompson[at]koolfm.com
9. Cash Cow/She's Gone, Dan Motut, JRFM/600AM, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, prod2[at]jrfm.com
10. EarlStar, Eric Bohlen, Citadel Broadcasting, Knoxville, Tennessee, eric.bohlen[at]citcomm.com
11. Fantastic Five, Markus Schafer, Rogers Broadcasting, Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada, marcus.schafer[at]lethbridgeradio.rogers.com
12. North Pole Radio, Drake Donovan, WZPT/WDSY, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, drake.donovan[at]cbsradio.com
13. Capitol Radio Music Promo #2, James Stodd, Capital Radio, London, England, James.Stodd[at]CapitalRadio.com
14. Sandwich Oasis/Egg Farts, CJ Goodearl, Clear Channel, Orlando, Florida, cjgoodearl[at]clearchannel.com
15. Uniglobe Action Travel/Jamaica Mon, Celeste Grebinski, Harvard Broadcasting, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada, cgrebinski[at]harvardbroadcasting.com
16. Honda Test Drive, Andrew Murdoch, Power 104, Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada, amurdoch[at]power104.fm
17. Villa Ford, Rob Frazier, KLSX, Los Angeles, California, rfrazier[at]cbs.com
18. P.C. Grill, Brent Hatcher, KILO-FM, Colorado Springs, Colorado, brent_h[at]kilo943.com
19. Pizza Hut/Spade, Rick Andrews, Cumulus Media, Amarillo, Texas, rick.andrews[at]cumulus.com
20. Bobby Brannon Heating & Air, Buzz Calhoun, Clear Channel, Shreveport, Louisiana, buzzcalhoun[at]clearchannel.com
21. Fish Fry/New Menu, Dan Hanni, WIIL/WLIP, Pleasant Prairie, Wisconsin, kproduction1[at]nextmediachicago.com
22. Petopia/Pet Awards, Scott Walker, Clear Channel, Roanoke/Lynchburg, Virginia, scottwalker[at]clearchannel.com
23. Ho Ho Ho, Alan Peterson, Rolling Valley Radio, Washington, DC
24. Lord of the Rings in 60 Seconds, Abe Kelledjian, Fanshawe College, London, Ontario, Canada, akelledjian[at]fanshawec.ca
25. Clyde Berithault Good Samaritan, Rich Conway, WCCC/WBOQ, Hartford, Connecticut, rconway[at]wccc.com


  • The R.A.P. Cassette - April 1999

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