RAP-CD-logo-2Welcome to the August 2008 RAP CD! First order of business this month is the last track on the CD. It's Dave Foxx's voice track for our little "Produce Dave Foxx!" experiment. Check the article on page 13 for details. You can also grab the VO track online at www.rapmag.com; visit the Highlights page.

We kick things off on track 1 with a sampler from this month's interview subject, Arden Hanley, which includes the RAP Award winning promo he talks about in the interview. Track 2 is audio for Dave Foxx's Production 212 column, which is not related in any way to the "Produce Dave Foxx!" thing. Commercials fill out tracks 3 through 13. Promos are on tracks 14 through 25. And sweeper montages are on tracks 26 through 29. Track 28 has a bit of a story to it with a fantastic promotional idea. As Dan Motut writes: "...we had an idea to build a carbon copy version of our radio station (sans commercials) and take it to Mountainfest - a huge 4 day outdoor concert in British Columbia. We actually got a license from the CRTC to broadcast a signal to an audience of about 5000 campers in a huge valley where the concert was being held. We broadcast from backstage where artists like Carrie Underwood, Reba and more would be interviewed etc. Here's some of the imaging we brought up." Production 212 audio from Dave Foxx lights up track 2. Creative commercials fill out tracks 3 through 12, and promos are on tracks 13 through 24.

1. Sampler from Arden Hanley, Capital Radio, London, United Kingdom, arden[at]rupturedspark.com
2. Production 212 Audio – Dave Foxx, Z100, New York, NY, davefoxx[at]clearchannel.com
3. Mimisellis Events, CJ Goodearl, Clear Channel, Orlando, Florida, cjgoodearl[at]clearchannel.com
4. Monster's Ink, Dave Cruickshank, Rock 105.3, Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada, dave[at]dc-digital.net
5. Logel's Auto Parts/Your Way, Doug Newman, Kool-FM, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada, dnewman[at]koolfm.com
6. JZ Urology/Western Vasectomy, Rich Conway, WCCC/WBOQ, Hartford, Connecticut, rconway[at]wccc.com
7. Fort Myers Schwinn, Andrew Frame, BAFSoundworks, andrew[at]bafsoundworks.com
8. Nails to Perfection, Sean Bell, NYPD, New Yorkshire, United Kingdom, seanbell[at]nypd.uk.com
9. Credit Card Dummy, Steve Stone, Zimmer Radio, Joplin, Missouri, sstone[at]zrgmail.com
10. Louisiana Barbeque, Buzz Calhoun, Clear Channel, Shreveport, Louisiana, buzzcalhoun[at]clearchannel.com
11. Natural Sound, Deborah Hopkins, Kool-FM, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada, dhopkins[at]koolfm.com
12. Strike the Dragon, Lee Rugen, Moody Broadcasting, Chicago, Illinois, lee.rugen[at]moody.edu
13. Boone County Health Department, Jeff Augustine, Zimmer Radio, Columbia, Missouri, jaugustine[at]zrgmail.com
14. NC Double D, Joel Moss, WEBN-FM, Cincinnati, Ohio, jmoss[at]webn.com
15. Rules Promo, Rich Boerner, KLSX, Los Angeles, California, rboerner[at]cbs.com
16. Winning Thursday/Good Morning Viet Nam, Chris Potter, ABC Radio Networks/Country Coast to Coast, Chris.M.Potter[at]abc.com
17. Diamond Heist #2, Vaughn Jones, Hot 91, Sunshine Coast, Australia, production[at]hot91.com.au
18. Chicks on Speed Gig Promo (Greek), Sakis Korovessis, Star FM, Thessalonika, Greece, sakiskoro[at]starfm.gr
19. Whose DooDad is Bigger, Jesse Attfield, Z103.5, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, jesse[at]z103halifax.com
20. Disney Vacation, Drake Donovan, Drake Donovan Productions, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, drake[at]drakedonovan.com
21. Phrase that Pays, Anthony McNutt, Imagingwork.com, Kentville, Nova Scotia, Canada, amcnutt[at]ns.sympatico.ca
22. Nelly Furtado (German/English), Mick von Oppen, Planet More Music Radio, Frankfurt, Germany, mick[at]planetradio.de
23. Keith Urban, Elisabeth Hart, Energy 99.3/Country 105, Peterborough, Ont., Canada, elisabeth.hart[at]chumkawartha.ca
24. Kenosha Tornado Promos, Dan Hanni, WIIL/WLIP, Pleasant Prairie, Wisconsin, kproduction1[at]nextmediachicago.com
25. Writer's Strike Promo, Brad Lane, KSTP-AM, Minneapolis, Minnesota, Blane[at]am1500.com
26. KAZR Sweeper Montage, Brian Whitaker, Saga Communications, Des Moines, Iowa, brian[at]whitakerdesign.net
27. Imaging Sampler, Ryan Keith, Zimmer Radio, Joplin, Missouri, ryank[at]zrgmail.com
28. The Voice of the Mountain Montage, Dan Motut, JRFM/600AM, Vancouver, BC, Canada, dmotut[at]jrfm.com
29. Summer Sweepers, Chris Nicoll, ZM, Auckland, New Zealand, wizz[at]zmonline.com
30. Produce Dave Foxx! Audio – see article on page 13


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