RAP-CD-logo-2Welcome to the April 2007 RAP CD featuring the 17th Annual RAP Awards "Best of the Rest" Part 1. This month's RAP CD is brought to you in part by Cue Creative and their new F*Cue Production Library. Check out the demo on track 1 – WARNING: for mature audiences only! Contact info is listed below. Next up is a commercial sampler from our interview subject, Susanna Hutcheson. Track 3 is audio for Dave Foxx's Production 212 article, and track 4 is audio for Ed Thompson's article on page 12. We get started with the RAP Awards Best of the Rest on tracks 5 through 11 with Feature Productions. Small Market Commercials fill out tracks 12 through 17. Medium Market Commercials are on tracks 18 through 22, and Large Market Commercials wrap it up on tracks 23 through 27. Congratulations to all who made it to the Best of the Rest! You made the competition very close, and we wish you best of luck next year! Next month we'll present Part 2 of The Best of the Rest with the Promo categories.

1. [ADV] F*Cue Production Library Demo by Cue Creative, The Netherlands
2. Susanna Hutcheson Commercial Sampler – Susanna Hutcheson, Wichita, Kansas
3. Production 212 Audio – Dave Foxx, Z100, New York, NY
4. "Did You Ever Have That Dream?" Audio – Ed Thompson, NRG Media, Omaha, NE
5. A Few Good Men (That Listen to Rickey Smiley) – DJ Necio, 97.9 The Beat/Radio One, Dallas, Texas
6. 9/11 Five Year Anniversary – Drake Donovan, WDSY-FM?CBS Radio, Pittsburgh, PA
7. E-Polygamy.com – C.J. Goodearl, Clear Channel, Orlando, Florida
8. Shots & Weed – Franzman, Zimmer Radio, Joplin, Missouri
9. Big Bird Flu - C.J. Goodearl, Clear Channel, Orlando, Florida
10. Troubled Marriage – Franklin Raff, Radio America Networks, Washington, DC
11. Pu Pu Garden – Steve Stone, Zimmer Radio, Joplin, Missouri
12. Evil Dodge – Sean Westphal, Power 104, Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada
13. Meats & More/Meat Police – Nicholas Cain, Citadel Broadcasting, Saginaw, Michigan
14. Marcotti's Pizza-ia/Pizza Talk - Nicholas Cain, Citadel Broadcasting, Saginaw, Michigan
15. Over Enthused Singer – Kurt S. Kaniewski, KZKX-FM/Clear Channel, Lincoln, Nebraska
16. Endzone – Steve Stone, Zimmer Radio, Joplin, Missouri
17. Magic Man/Brokeback – Derek Shetterly, Clear Channel, Medford, Oregon
18. Wash n Wrench Song - Jim Van Dusen, Standard Radio, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
19. Sunstate Ford/Hide-a-Bed – Dan Stone, WTKS-FM/Clear Channel, Orlando, Florida
20. Ying and Yang – Lindsay Reekie, Standard Radio, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
21. Approved Mortgage/The Quest – Anne Baxter, Standard Radio, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
22. Angry Man – Joe Meinecke, Milwaukee Radio Group, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
23. Mart-Mart/Vacuum Store - Franklin Raff, Radio America Networks, Washington, DC
24. Cellone's Bread/Sports Fan – Drake Donovan, WZPT-FM/CBS Radio, Pittsburgh, PA
25. Online Booty Call - Rob Frazier, KLSX/CBS Radio, Los Angeles, California
26. One Small Step - J.J. Foxx, Clear Channel Creative Services Group, Atlanta, GA
27. wnd.com/Bogey, Probably Hostile – Franklin Raff, Radio America Networks, Washington, DC