RAP-CD-logo-2Welcome to the October 2005 RAP CD, brought to you in part by Leon Flood and Flash Flood Productions, and by the new imaging library, Ruptured Spark. Check out Leon Flood's CHR demo on track 1, and check out the Ruptured Spark demo on track 2. Contact information is listed below.

Next up is an awesome sampler of imaging from this month's interview subject, Jeff Thomas. Track 4 is audio for this month's Production 212 article from Dave Foxx. The rest of the CD travels the world with commercials on tracks 5 through 11. Promos fill out tracks 12 through 26. Sweepers light up tracks 27 through 31. Dave Cruickshank offers a morning show bit taking a lighter look at West Nile Virus on track 32, and we wrap it up with some stuff you can use from Al Peterson on track 33. Al writes: "Tired of the same old 'winner/loser' contest sounders? Try these. Let your listeners know just how special they really are. Made with the speech synthesizer plug-in bundled with FLStudio (Fruity Loops) from Image-Line Software."

1. [ADV] Leon Flood CHR Demo, Flash Flood Productions, Tampa, Florida
2. [ADV] Ruptured Spark Demo, Ruptured Spark Pty Ltd, Australia
3. Jeff Thomas demo, Jeff Thomas Productions, Newport Beach, Australia
4. Production 212 Audio, Dave Foxx, Z100, New York
5. Employee Price Clearance, Billy Draper, Intermark, Inc., Mountain Brook, Alabama
6. Book Brier, Celeste Grebinski, Harvard Broadcasting, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
7. The Gator Network/Shands Hospital, C.J. Goodearl, Clear Channel, Orlando, Florida
8. Propane Depot, Glenn "Casey" Cook, WNBY-FM, Newberry, Michigan
9. Power Vac/Allergies, Deborah Hopkins, 105.3 Kool FM, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada
10. Adult Source Video, Richard Stroobant, CJAY92/Vibe 98-5, Calgary, Alb., Canada
11. B-K Motors/This Is How You're Going to Feel, Steve Thompson, 105.3 Kool FM, Kitchener, Ont., Canada 
12. BuzzFest, Chris Rice, KTBZ-FM, Houston, Texas
13. Song Suey, Arden Hanley, Nova 100, Melbourne, Australia
14. Bud Lite Parody/Glenn Smith, Ben Thompson, WEKZ/WQLF, Monroe, Wisconsin
15. Skyshow 600, Andy Stone, 2CRFM, Bournemouth, United Kingdom
16. News Online, Bill Tynan, WCBS-AM, New York, NY
17. Mat-rimony, Scott Clements, The Wolf, Regina, SK, Canada
18. Manuary, Rich Boerner, KLSX, Los Angeles, California
19. Weekend Floorfillers Top of Hour ID, Steve Pigott, Kiss 100, London, England
20. Shower Promo, Shane & Rudy, YES-FM, Sri Lanka
21. Weather/Order It Up, Matt Anthony, KDKA, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
22. True Music, Joel Moss, WEBN-FM, Cincinnati, Ohio
23. Euro 2004/Legends, Marcus Langreiter, 96 Trent FM, Nottingham, United Kingdom
24. Jack Out of Control, Dylan Wowchuk, CHFI-FM, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
25. King Arthur, Sakis Korovessis, Symbol Productions, Thessalonika, Greece
26. Live Free for a Year/Free Ride, Ross McIntyre, 100.3 The Q, Victoria, BC, Canada
27. Jock Halloween Sweepers, Johnny George, Susquehanna, Indianapolis, Indiana
28. Old School Sweeper Montage, Derrick Jonzun, DropsNow.com, Atlanta, Georgia
29. Family Life Network Mornings, Pete Bunch, Spoken Word Images
30. Wild 101 Imaging, Carson Manette, CKEY/CFLZ/CJRN/CHQI, Niagara, Ontario, Canada
31. 98 Rock Sweepers, Chadd Pierce, KRXQ/KSEG, Sacramento, California
32. West Nile in the City, Dave Cruickshank, 106.1/99.7 The Goat, Lloydminster, Alberta, Canada
33. Winner/Loser, Alan Peterson, Radio America Network, Washington, DC


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