RAP-CD-logo-2Welcome to the September 2004 RAP CD. This months CD is brought to you in part by Alien Imaging. Please check out the demo for the new FUSE Reloader 1 imaging library on track 1, and visit them online at www.alien-imaging.com for more information. Track 2 is a demo from this months interview subject, Terry Thompson, Production Director at Waitt Radio in Omaha, NE. Track 3 is audio referenced in the feature article from Steve Pigott, "Getting the Most Out of Your Listeners." Track 4 is audio from Dave Foxx for his Production 212 column. Tracks 5 and 6 are two from a series of great summer promos from Rich Boerner. More excellent promo work fills out tracks 7 through 18. Creative commercial work fills out tracks 19 through 25. Track 26 is an amusing piece from Chadd Pierce who used pieces from their sister stations morning show to create this fake interview. Track 27 is unique and Garry "D" explains: "Every quarter our research department goes over the Arbitron results with our staff. I usually produce something fun to start the meeting. This is called The Ratings Family. Draws off The Simpsons. Tony Evans is the announcer. I did the rest of the voices." And CJ Goodearl once again provides the comic relief on our last track of the month.

1. [ADV] FUSE Reloader 1 demo, Alien Imaging, www.alien-imaging.com
2. Terry Thompson Demo, Waitt Radio, Omaha, Nebraska
3. Kiss Listeners, Steve Pigott, Kiss FM, London, England
4. Production 212 audio, Dave Foxx, Z100, New York
5. Summer 04 Vacation, Rich Boerner, KLSX, Los Angeles, California
6. Summer 04 Ballgame, Rich Boerner, KLSX, Los Angeles, California
7. The Wave Community Cruiser, Jordon Cheung, CKVW-FM, Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada
8. County Fair, Garrick Whitehead, KGCB-FM, Prescott, Arizona
9. Rush Con 4, Scott Clements, Corus Entertainment, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
10. 2 Trailer Parks, Terry "Tunes" Miller, KSCB-FM, Liberal, Kansas
11. Big Deal Promo, Jym Geraci, KSTP-FM, Minneapolis, Minnesota
12. The Hunter, Lee Rugen, Moody Broadcasting, Chicago, Illinois
13. I Wouldn't Listen to Anybody, Ian Seggie, BOB-FM, Winnipeg, Man., Canada
14. Easy Street, Brian Whitaker, KSTZ/KAZR, Des Moines, Iowa
15. Cashman/Dodge the Taxman, Chris Wrapson, Beacon FM, Wolverhampton, United Kingdom
16. Lift Ticket Weekend, Chris Rice, KRXQ/KSEG, Sacramento, California
17. Toronto Maple Leafs, Rob Johnston, Corus Radio, Toronto, Canada
18. Christina Aguilera Music Demonstrator, Marcus Langreiter, 96 Trent FM, Nottingham, United Kingdom
19. Consignment Central, Andrew Frame, Renda Broadcasting of Southwest Florida
20. La Bodeguita, Steve Schippanoski, 100.3 The Q, Victoria, BC, Canada
21. Jason's Deli, Richard Stroobant, CJAY/CKMX, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
22. Land Rover Halifax, Mark Fraser, Metro Radio Group, Halifax, NS, Canada
23. P. Klassen Optician, Mike Vuckovich, 105.3 Kool FM, Kitchener, Ont., Canada
24. Powerline Electronics/Recycling, Steve Thompson, 105.3 Kool FM, Kitchener, Ont., Canada
25. Scrapbookers, Deborah Vandendiepstraten, Kool-FM, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada
26. Bob & Tom, Chadd Pierce, WBYR-FM, Fort Wayne, Indiana
27. The Ratings Family, Garry "D", KNIX/KESZ, Phoenix, Arizona
28. DNC Balloon Caper, CJ Goodearl, Clear Channel, Orlando, Florida
