letters-logo-oct95Thanks for a great magazine! The article last month by Dave Foxx on “voice texture” (January 2004 RAP – Production 212) has helped me come up with a new sound & feel for our station voice.  Following the article, I emailed Dave Foxx direct for some more specific advice and was delighted when he took the time to send a personal response.  I’m pleased that producers of his caliber are willing to take the time to share ideas and techniques, and it’s reminded me of my “vow” that I will always try to help out anybody with an interest in production. When I first started, nobody would share anything with me and I had to teach myself. It takes a lot longer, but at least you really learn what everything does!

So, a big thank you for a great mag, great CD, and a great group of creative production talent. I’m proud to be a part of the RAP Network.

Ian Fish
Head Of Production, 100.7 Heart FM
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Birmingham, United Kingdom


  • The R.A.P. Cassette - June 2000

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