RAP-CD-logo-2Welcome to the December 2004 RAP CD. We get started with a motivating demo from this months interview subject, Walter Koschnitzke at DreamMakers Productions. Dave Foxx provides audio for this months Production 212 column on track 2. Some first rate commercials fill out tracks 3 through 9. Promos take up tracks 10 through 23. Tracks 11 and 12 are some fun promos from Glenn Cook who explains: "it involves us poking fun at our TV6 Meteorologist, Karl Bohnack, who has become a funny part of our Coffee Crew Morning Show doing forecasts for us. People actually thought the guy was running for office! The story we made up was that he'd been living in the one house town of Raco, took up residency in the old, closed down, fire tower, and made friends with a bunch of squirrels, because there is maybe just a handful of people that actually live there! So, we figured if he was like one of the only people there, he could be Mayor!" Track 24 from Beecher Martin is an interesting idea for the next election. Sweeper montages wrap things up on tracks 25 through 28. Great work troops! Thanks to all for your contributions!

1. Walter Koschnitzke Demo, DreamMakers Productions, Kenosha, Wisconsin
2. Production 212 audio from Dave Foxx, Z100, New York
3. Dr. James Lofgren DDS, Steve Stone, KUPH-FM, Mountain View, Missouri
4. Farm Machinery Tasmania, Reno Miller, 7 LA, Launceston, Tasmania, Australia
5. Waterfront Wines, Albert Berkshire, SILK-FM, Kelowna, BC, Canada
6. JDs Night Club/Ladies-Fear Factor, Tami Reade, Harvard Broadcasting, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
7. Sugar Mountain, Mike Vuckovich, 105.3 Kool FM, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada
8. NS Stone Masons, Sean Bell, NYPD, United Kingdom
9. Logan Auto/Tax Man, Jim Barbee, WMDH-FM, Muncie, Indiana
10. B106 Top Hour Imager, James Stodd, Capital FM, London, England
11. Vote For Karl, Glenn "Casey" Cook, WNBY-FM, Newberry, Michigan
12. Karl's Speech, Glenn "Casey" Cook, WNBY-FM, Newberry, Michigan
13. Right Values, Rich Boerner, KLSX, Los Angeles, California
14. Big Bang, Andy Stone, 2CRFM, Bournemouth, United Kingdom
15. Live the Life in Vegas, Andrew Murdoch, SILK-FM, Kelowna, BC, Canada
16. U2 Radio Weekend, Carson Manette, CKEY/CFLZ/CJRN/CHQI, Niagara, Ontario, Canada
17. Winning Weekend/Drive Thru, Reggie "C", WWWZ-FM, Charleston, South Carolina
18. Secret Sound/Big & Rich Pack, Chris Potter, ABC Radio Networks/Country Coast to Coast
19. World Series Recap, Joel Roberts, WWLS-AM/FM, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
20. Red White & Zoo, Johnny George, Susquehanna Indianapolis
21. Mug Promo, Markus Shafer, Rawlco Radio, Saskatoon, Sk., Canada
22. Bike-a-Day-in-May, Doug Newman, Kool-FM, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada
23. 3 Clash Short Promos, Wayne Smith, C91.3, Campbelltown, NSW, Australia
24. "Vote" vignettes, Beecher Martin, WQYK-FM, Tampa-St. Petersburg, Florida
25. Family Life Network Teaser Promo montage, Pete Bunch, Spoken Word Images
26. Jon & Coup Sweepers, Jon Carter, Megahertz Studios, Greensboro, North Carolina
27. 98 Rock Imaging Montage, Chadd Pierce, KRXQ/KSEG, Sacramento, California
28. Earwhacked Sweeper Montage, CJ Wilson, Earwhacked Radio Imaging, Savannah, Georgia


  • Update: The R.A.P. Cassette

    Please pardon us while we keep using this front page space to talk about The Cassette. At this point it appears to be a greatly valued part of this...