RAP-CD-logo-2Welcome to the September 2003 RAP CD. We open with a demo from this months interview subject, Joe Meinecke at WKLH/WJMR in Milwaukee. Joe also includes samples from previous stations. Track 2 is audio for this months Production 212 column from Dave Foxx read then listen. We dig into the archives for lots of what's on the rest of the CD. Promos fill out tracks 3 through 13. Brush up on your Dutch for track 4! Jamie Watson at Mojo Radio in Toronto provides a clever PSA on track 14. Tracks 15 through 23 give us a nice selection of commercials. Track 24 offers some well-done custom song intros from Dan Motut at Z95.3 in Vancouver. And we wrap up this months RAP CD with four sweeper montages. The last one is imaging done for a closed circuit cable radio station at Penn State. Drew Hall, the producer, is from WKPS-FM, the student radio station at Penn State University in State College, PA. Great work everyone!

1. Joe Meinecke demo, WKLH/WJMR, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
2. Production 212 Audio, Dave Foxx, Z100, New York
3. BOB FM Window Sticker, Barry Hayes, 93.9 BOB FM, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
4. Justin Timberlake Week, Anthony Timmers, Radio 538, The Netherlands
5. Instant Teller Teasers, Steve Thompson, Kool-FM, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada
6. Meatloaf, Ian Seggie, CHUM Group Radio, Winnipeg, Canada
7. Germany Aftermath, Shane Smyth, Lite FM, Dublin, Ireland
8. Station Chasing, Lee Rugen, Moody Broadcasting, Chicago, Illinois
9. Lazers "Hog Wild" Summer, Brian Whitaker, KSTZ/KAZR, Des Moines, Iowa
10. Elvis 25th Anniversary, Bill Tynan, WCBS Newsradio 880, New York
11. Caught in the Act Winner Image Promo, Andy Stone, 2CRFM, Bournemouth, United Kingdom
12. 25th Anniversary, Richard Stroobant, CJAY/CKMX, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
13. Killer Kilos, Todd Manley, WGN-AM, Chicago, Illinois
14. No Chicks in Jail PSA, Jamie Watson, Corus Radio, Toronto, Canada
15. Coralwood Shopping Center, Andrew Frame, Renda Broadcasting of Southwest Florida
16. Baldy's Beach Bar/Nice Deck, Celeste Grebinski, CKRM, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
17. Power Vac/Dust Bunnies, Deborah Vandendiepstraten, Kool-FM, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada
18. AMS Mortgage/Three Little Pigs, Roger Bernier, Spirit 105.3, Seattle, Washington
19. Reds, Mike Mlazgar, CFBR/CFRN, Edmonton, AB, Canada
20. Orbit Tech/Service, Scott Clow, Jackson Radio Works, Jackson, Michigan
21. Funktional, Albert Berkshire, SILK-FM, Kelowna, BC, Canada
22. Burger King/Pickle & Onion, Daryl Bolton, CJSD-FM, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada
23. Tax Resolution Services, Rob Frazier, KLSX, Los Angeles, California
24. Custom Song Intros, Dan Motut, Z95.3, Vancouver, BC, Canada
25. Sweeper Montage, Roy Hall, Q102, Northern Ireland
26. WGNY Sweeper Montage, Justin Taylor, VoiceImage Productions, Orlando, Florida
27. WYCD Listener & New Music Sweepers, Terry Phillips, WYCD-FM, Detroit, Michigan
28. Freak Show Imaging, Drew Hall, WKPS-FM, State College, Pennsylvania
