RAP-CD-logo-2Welcome to the February 2003 RAP CD. We open with the movie trailer voice demo for this months interview subject, Howard Parker. Cuts 2 through 4 are a series of innovative promos for talk radio from the creative team of Rob Frazier, Rich Boerner and Ronn Lipkin at KLSX in Los Angeles. We get more promos through cut 13. Cut 14 is the audio portion of this months Production 212 column from Dave Foxx at Z100. Some excellent commercials fill out cuts 15 through 22. (Skip track 17, unless you can use some good noise.) Cut 23 is a well done intro for C100s Top 100 year-end countdown from Mark Fraser. And we wrap it up with more warped humor from C.J. Goodearl on cut 24. Nice work everyone!

1. Howard Parker Trailer Demo
2. Talksongs/Rich-No Doubt, Rob Frazier, KLSX, Los Angeles, California
3. Talksongs/Rob-Beatles, Rob Frazier, KLSX, Los Angeles, California
4. Talksongs/Rob-Clapton, Rob Frazier, KLSX, Los Angeles, California
5. Ba Dee Ba Doo, Sterling Tarrant, Focus on the Family, Colorado Springs, Colorado
6. K-Rock Concert Caravan, Vincent Lynch, K-Rock, Kingston, Ontario, Canada
7. Keith Urban, Scott Clements, Country 95.3, Toronto, Ont., Canada
8. Vibe 2002 Wrap-Up Promo, Ryan Stockert, CJAY92/Vibe 98-5, Calgary, Alb., Canada
9. Darryl Worley Winning Thursday, Chris Potter, ABC Radio Networks/Country Coast to Coast
10. Oldies 1090 Website, Mike Vuckovich, Oldies 1090, Kitchener, Ont., Canada
11. Super Brawl of Classic Rock, Chris Rice, KRXQ/KSEG, Sacramento, California
12. Eagle Top 97, Blade, KZPS/KEGL, Dallas, Texas
13. ARB #1 Thank You, Andrew Frame, Renda Broadcasting of Southwest Florida
14. Production 212 audio Dave Foxx, Z100, New York
15. Sportsworld/Kevin, Doug Newman, 105.3 Kool-FM, Kitchener, Ont., Canada 
16. Elmquist Jewelers, Tim Burns, Q-102, Willmar, Minnesota
17. [dead track]
18. Bargain Bobs Carpet Outlet, Andrew Frame, Renda Broadcasting of Southwest Florida
19. Brauns Bicycle/Wobbly, Deborah Vandendiepstraten, 105.3 Kool FM, Kitchener, Ont., Canada
20. Crystal Pool & Fitness Center, Steve Schippanoski, 100.3 The Q, Victoria, BC, Canada
21. Dirtona Raceway, Terry N. Miller, Seward County Broadcasting, Liberal, Kansas
22. Pumhouse Brewery/Global Cooling, Scott Snailham, K94/Magic 104, Moncton, NB, Canada
23. C100 Top 100 Intro, Mark Fraser, C100 FM, Halifax, NS, Canada
24. Bushs Iraq Plan, CJ Goodearl, Clear Channel, Orlando, Florida


  • The R.A.P. Cassette - September 1995

    Production and imaging demo from interview subject, John Frost @ KROQ Los Angeles; plus promos and commercials from WEBN Cincinnati, Corks 96FM...