203-VegasSonic Foundry® announces the availability of public betas for Vegas® 4.0 and Vegas®+DVD for professional video and audio production on the Windows® platform. Vegas 4.0 provides integrated real-time video and audio non-linear editing with comprehensive features that allow for mixing, compositing, color correction, titling, streaming media creation and surround sound production for multimedia professionals. Vegas+DVD not only includes Vegas 4.0, but also offers complete DVD authoring (featuring DVD Architect™) and a Dolby® certified multichannel AC-3 encoder. Some of the new features in Vegas 4.0 include: Advanced Color Correction Tools; Media Pool bins and searches; Vectorscope, Histogram, Parade and Waveform monitoring; Application Scripting; Improved Ripple Editing; 5.1 Surround Mixing; AC-3 Encoding (multichannel and stereo); DirectX Audio Plug-In Effects Automation, and more. Public beta copies of both products can be downloaded at Sonic Foundry anticipates shipping both products in February 2003. Pricing for Vegas 4.0: MSRP $699; download from Sonic Foundry for $489; boxed version from Sonic Foundry for $559. Pricing for Vegas+DVD: MSRP $999; download from Sonic Foundry for $699; boxed version from Sonic Foundry for $799. Vegas 4.0 and Vegas+DVD also will be available from software dealers and distributors worldwide.

akg-headphoneAKG Acoustics debuted the K 171 Studio and K 271 Studio headphones at Winter NAMM 2003 last month. These new headphones feature AKG’s VarimotionTM XXL transducers used in the popular K 141 Studio and K 240 Studio models. “The K 171 Studio and K 271 Studio have great sound, excellent comfort and exceptional acoustic isolation,” states Mike Torlone, Market Development Manager for Studio Products. “Thanks to their low-impedance and high sensitivity, these headphones are also perfect for use with computers, keyboards, CD players and other low-output devices. The closed-back ear cup design permits them to be used in noisy environments or on stage.” The K 171 Studio has a frequency range of 18 to 26,000 Hz and weighs 7.1 oz without cable. The K 271 Studio combines the benefits of AKG’s circumaural “around-the-ear” design for extreme comfort with a closed-back design for maximum isolation from ambient noise. The K 271 Studio is the perfect choice for applications such as broadcast where sonic bleed can cause problems. Another important feature of the K 271 Studio is the addition of a switch in the headband that mutes the audio as soon as the headphones are taken off. The K 271 Studio has a frequency range of 16 to 28,000 Hz and weighs 8.5 oz without cable. The AKG K 171 Studio headphones have a list price of $159.00, while the K 271 Studio headphones list for $199.00. www.akgusa .com.

primeratechPrimera Technology, Inc., a developer and manufacturer of desktop CD/DVD disc duplication and printing equipment, announces its Bravo Disc Publisher with Mac compatibility. Bravo is the world’s first automated CD duplicating and printing system that is priced at less than $2000 MSRP. Bravo is designed for hands-free, automated production of up to 25 CDs or DVDs per job. An advanced robotic mechanism is used to transport discs into the built-in 48x CD-R recorder or optional Pioneer® combo DVD-R/CD-R recorder. After recording, discs are transported to the integrated printer and printed in full color at up to 2400 dpi resolution. Bravo prints directly onto the disc surface. Bravo attaches to any Mac running Apple® OS X. Because of its common USB and FireWire interfaces, Bravo may also be used cross-platform on Windows XP/2000-based computers with optional add-on software. Two Bravo models are available: The Bravo CD Publisher with a 48x CD-R recorder is priced at US$1995 (MSRP). The Bravo DVD Publisher with a Pioneer DVD-R/CD-R recorder is priced at US$2495 (MSRP). The DVD-R unit records DVD-Rs at 4x and CD-Rs at 16x. A business card adapter kit is also available to copy and print 80mm mini-discs, rounded “hockey rink” mini-discs and business card shaped CDs. The Adapter Kit is priced at US$199 (MSRP).


Digidesign, North American distributor of Focusrite Products, announces the shipment of Focusrite Platinum Series VoiceMaster PRO. This new edition of an industry classic retains the format of the original, but is now housed in a 2U, rack-mount chassis. The unit bridges the gap between the flagship ISA 430 Producer Pack and the original VoiceMaster, featuring design aspects from both the ISA Series and the Platinum Series. The Focusrite Class A mic pre amp from the original VoiceMaster is retained, but an instrument input has been added to the front panel, along with phantom power, phase reverse and variable high-pass filter. Other features include a new optical expander, a latency-free, stereo monitoring section providing comprehensive headphone monitoring of both the full mix and the vocal; and the “Vintage Harmonics” processor, designed to emulate classic 70’s tape-based vocal enhancement processes. SRP: $750 (USD). Digidesign also announces shipping of the 5.3.3 Digidesign Plug-Ins CD for Pro Tools 5.3.x and 5.1.x, supporting Windows XP- and Mac-based Pro Tools systems. The 5.3.3 Digidesign Plug-Ins CD provides the latest Digidesign plug-in support on both Mac and Windows XP Pro Tools systems. All plug-ins included on the Digidesign Plug-Ins CD are fully cross-platform and ensure OS compatibility when moving a Pro Tools session between Macintosh and Windows operating systems. Additionally, this CD provides full support for Macintosh 5.1.x Pro Tools systems. The 5.3.3 Digidesign Plug-Ins CD marks the initial release of four Digidesign plug-ins for the Windows XP platform: Access Virus, Digidesign Bruno/Reso, Digidesign DINR BNR, and Digidesign Reverb One.

madplayerMadWaves Corporation (London, Nice, Boston) announced that Radio One, Inc. has purchased the MadPlayer™ for all of its hip hop and R&B affiliates to create music beds for commercials. Operated by MadWaves’ proprietary Generactive™ Music Technology, the MadPlayer generates unique, unlimited copyright-free music users can play with, change, listen to and share with others. Said MadWaves CEO, Voislav Damevski. “MadPlayer was originally designed as a mass-market consumer electronic product that empowers anyone to create and interact with their own beats, music, and songs. But, the sound quality is so exceptional, and the technology so easy to use, we knew there would be numerous commercial applications, such as for commercials in radio and television, and scores for films and other artistic productions.” www.mad


Scott Clements exits the position as Production Manager of Harvard Broadcasting in Regina Saskatchewan to become the new Creative and Production Director of Corus Entertainment’s “Country 95.3” in Toronto, Ontario. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

203-Press-4-Groove-Addicts-2Los Angeles-based production house Groove Addicts has taken delivery of a Yamaha DM2000 Digital Production Console for Studio A in the company’s recently-opened production facility. The floating floor design Studio A features a 5.1-capable, 600 square foot control room, and is set up for either live recording or audio post-production with the DM2000 and a 192K Digidesign Pro Tools HD digital audio workstation. The Yamaha DM2000 digital console offers 96 input channels, extensive surround production features, integrated digital audio workstation and ProTools control. While in 96k mode, there is no loss of any inputs or outputs, made possible by utilizing the newly developed DSP7 LSIs with 32-bit (accumulative 58-bit) internal processing. Studio A also contains a Pioneer 50" plasma screen and JBL LSR28E Monitors with two 2 LSR 12p cabinets. Additional outboard gear includes products from Avalon, Eventide, Lexicon and Sony. www.groove 


  • The R.A.P. CD - May 2002

    Production demo from interview subject, Steve Lushbaugh, WMMR, Philadelphia, PA; plus part 2 of the 12th R.A.P. Awards "Best of the Rest" featuring...