By Gary Griffey

We are the magicians—you and I.

We are those who make our stations attractive places to advertise.

We make the poor in talent sound decent.

We make the talented shine like the morning star.

It is a gift—to be sure—what we are able to do with what we are given.

But I cry for resource!

I cry for the firepower of the Big Boys!

What I could do with 2 men with power voices and a sense of expression and 3 women who can both talk and sing any emotion!

Oft I dream of the production-only position.

What joy there would be when my sole assignment is to perform the magic, with the resources of professional magicians!

But until that time, I will continue to work without resource. I will continue to make the magic—to be the only magician in the building.

To be the Guru.


I wrote this after 4 hours of producing not my best, but the best I could do with what I was given. It is wrought of sorrow, frustration and a wish for the dream job.


  • The R.A.P. Cassette - April 1991

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