Welcome to the August 2002 RAP CD. We get things started with a demo from Chuck Blore, this months interview subject. The demo consists of seven amazing commercials from Chucks radio demo. More creative commercials fill out cuts 2 through 7. Cut 8 is something new for the RAP CD advertising! Its a demo for the Megabytes 3 production library. If you're interested in putting your demo on the RAP CD, drop us a line at sales[at]rapmag.com. Cuts 9 through 20 offer some great promos from around the globe. Cut 21 is a salute to the Stars & Stripes from David Strickland/WGNY, New York. And we wrap things up on cut 22 with a salute to the late Keith Eubanks. It opens with a portion of the demo he sent to RAP eleven years ago for his interview in the August 1991 issue when he was spending much of his production time knocking out club spots for Power 99. The rest of the audio was provided by Hal Knapp at Z100, Joel Moss at WEBN, and Laurent Boulet at CHOI-FM. Thanks, guys.

1. Chuck Blore demo, The Chuck Blore Company, Hollywood, California
2. City Mission, Reno Miller, Bass Radio, Tasmania, Australia
3. Moce Coffee Flavouring, Justin Taylor, VoiceImage Productions, Orlando, Florida
4. Moody Magazine/Worship Wars, Lee Rugen, Moody Broadcasting, Chicago, Illinois
5. Cylcepath/Wiping Out, Daryl Bolton, CJSD-FM, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada
6. Mulligans Golf Shop/$2 Bet, Cox Radio Richmond
7. Golds Gym, Roger Clark, KCMS-FM, Seattle, Washington
8. [ADV] Megabytes 3 Demo, www.megabytes3.com
9. Widest Variety of Music, Chris Wrapson, Beacon FM, Wolverhampton, United Kingdom
10. Q94 Morning Show/Rick Dees, Ian Seggie, CHUM Group Radio, Winnipeg, Canada
11. Dave Matthews Superstar Summer Flyaway, Brian Whitaker, KSTZ/KAZR, Des Moines, Iowa
12. Best Home Video Contest, Arnie, WIIL-FM, Kenosha, Wisconsin
13. License to Win, Terry "Tunes" Miller, KSCB-FM, Liberal, Kansas
14. Tony Soprano, Joel Moss, WEBN-FM, Cincinnati, Ohio
15. Work Force Party, Scott Clements, The Wolf, Regina, SK, Canada
16. Sum 41 Concert, Steve Schippanoski, 100.3 The Q, Victoria, BC, Canada
17. WODJ.COM, Tom Wilson, WODJ-FM, Grand Rapids, Michigan
18. Music Promo, Linc Kelly, GWR Group Programme Production, Bristol, UK
19. Livid Festival, Mike Wilcox, Triple J FM, Sydney, Australia
20. All Request Afternoon, David J. Kilpatrick, SUN-FM, Shepparton, Victoria, Australia
21. Stars & "Stars" & Stripes, David L. Strickland, WGNY-FM, Newburgh, New York
22. Keith Eubanks Salute


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