RAP-CD-Logo1Welcome to the April 2002 RAP CD. We begin with a first-class demo from this months interview subject, Jeff Schmidt from KFOG in San Francisco. That's followed by some amazing work from Dave Foxx/Z100 as referenced in his Production 212 column in this months RAP. Cuts 3 through 17 are part one of this years RAP Awards "Best of the Rest." Cuts 3-5 are from the Feature Production category. Cuts 6-9 are from the Small Market Commercial category, cuts 10-12 from the Medium Market Commercial category, and cuts 13-17 from the Large Market Commercial category. We wrap it up this month with a half-dozen sweeper montages from the U.S., Denmark, Australia, and the U.K.!

Well finish the RAP Awards "Best of the Rest" next month with the Promo categories, then well return to our regular RAP CD format with the June issue.

1. Demo from Jeff Schmidt, KFOG-FM, San Francisco, California
2. Production 212 Audio, Dave Foxx, Z100, New York
3. Doggone Jingle Bells Don Elliot, KFI, Los Angeles, California
4. Real Terrorist Assholes - Dave Green, WJRR-FM, Orlando, Florida
5. Taco Ball Steve Lushbaugh, WMMR, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
6. Mission Impossible Jim Barbee, WMDH, New Castle, Indiana
7. Long Prairie Body Shop Allen Bailey, KEYL/KXDL, Long Prairie, Minnesota
8. Golf World/Fur Trader Andrew Murdoch, CILK-FM, Kelowna, BC, Canada
9. Karaoke Night Rodney Lyman, KTDR, Del Rio, Texas
10. Dairy Queen/Double Cheese Rob Vavrek, CFBR, Edmonton, Alb., Canada
11. Universal Distributors/I Got Your Money Carlos Montoya, KABG, Albuquerque, New Mexico
12. Factory/Nothing Fridays - Richard Stroobant, CJAY-FM, Calgary, Alb., Canada
13. My Fa-vor-ite Month Kate Eisenhauer/Bob Holiday, KRLA, Los Angeles, California
14. Fly Fishing Gregg Sinclair, Mix 105.6, Sydney, Australia
15. Pro Tech/Sniff Test Jeff Crites, WAVA-FM, Washington, DC
16. BCM Enterprises/Happily Ever After Kim Lawrence, WOGG/WOGI, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
17. Rumba/Hyundai Brendan Taylor, 2DAY-FM, Sydney, Australia
18. WIVKs Andy & Allison "Kids" Sweeper Montage - Eric Bohlen, Dick Broadcasting, Knoxville, Tennessee
19. Rock 92 Sweeper Montage - Jon Matthewz, Megahertz Studios, Greensboro, North Carolina
20. Top of Hour IDs - Bjarke Ramussen, The Voice, Copenhagen, Denmark
21. Sweeper Montage - James Stodd, Red Dragon FM, Cardiff, United Kingdom
22. WEBN Sweeper Montage - Joel Moss, WEBN-FM, Cincinnati, Ohio
23. Sweeper Montage - Joe Cicero, WONC, Naperville, Illinois


  • The R.A.P. CD - February 2003

    Movie Trailer VO Demo from interview subject, Howard Parker; plus more promos, commercials and imaging from Rob Frazier, KLSX, Los Angeles, CA; Sterling...