RAP-CD-Logo1Welcome to the December 2001 RAP CD. Lots of promos, commercials and sweepers this month. Cuts 1 through 12 offer a great selection of promo work from around the globe. We get some creative commercial work on cuts 13 through 19, and sweepers fill out cuts 20 through 25. Cut 26 is a nice feature from Garry "D" at KNIX celebrating the Arizona Diamondbacks win of the World Series. And we wrap up this months RAP CD with a 9/11 tribute from Mike Schaeffer at Air 1 Network.

1. 1-888-Need Him, Lee Rugan, Moody Broadcasting, Chicago, Illinois
2. Music Imaging Promo, Dan Motut, Z95.3, Vancouver, BC, Canada
3. Superprice/Michael Jackson, Anthony Timmers, Radio 538, The Netherlands
4. Veterans Day Weekend, Rich VanSlyke, Rich VanSlyke Productions, Suwanee, Georgia
5. Kids all across the Heartland, Brooke Winters, KGBI-FM, Omaha, Nebraska
6. Radio 720/We Dig Asphalt, Todd Manley, WGN, Chicago, Illinois
7. Party in the Park/Artists, James Stodd, Red Dragon FM, Cardiff, United Kingdom
8. Beat the Buzzer, Johnny George, Susquehanna Indianapolis
9. Moldy Oldie Station, Tom Richards, WEJM-FM, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
10. Turkey Jam, Al B. Love, Brain Damage Creative Services
11. Z99-Visions 99 Days Of Summer, Ian Seggie, CIZL-FM, Regina, SK, Canada
12. O'Neils a Tool, Melle Mel Kartusch, 99.3 the Fox, Vancouver, BC, Canada
13. Think Marketing/Cough, Andrew Murdoch, SILK-FM, Kelowna, BC, Canada
14. The Professionals, Stephen Mills, KPAM, Portland, Oregon
15. BF Goodrich Tires, Daryl Bolton, CJSD-FM, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada
16. Northwest Pest Patrol, David Perkins, KKHT, Houston, Texas
17. Kiss and Make Up/Men, Cox Radio Richmond
18. Mallards Hockey 2000, Dave Shropshire , Clear Channel Quad Cities
19. Charningfare Farm, Patti Ford, WZID-FM, Manchester, New Hampshire
20. Sweeper Montage, Terry Phillips, WYCD-FM, Detroit, Michigan
21. Sweeper Montage, Arnie, Next Media, Kenosha, Wisconsin
22. Christmas Sweepers, Pat White, WIL-FM, St. Louis, Missouri
23. WHHY Sweeper Montage, Eric Bohlen, Dick Broadcasting, Knoxville, Tennessee
24. KZL Sweeper Montage, Jon Matthewz, Megahertz Studios, Greensboro, North Carolina
25. The House Is Coming Sweepers, Linc Kelly, SAFM, Adelaide, Australia
26. Rock This Country/Diamondbacks Win, Garry "D", KNIX-FM, Phoenix, Arizona
27. WTC Memorial Song/You Are My Hope, Mike Schaeffer, Air 1 Network, Scappoose, Oregon


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