The November 2000 RAP Cassette kicks off with a demo from this months interview subject, Jeff Freeman of KUFO in Portland. The rest of Side A is filled with some great commercial work. Side B opens up with a few promos on cuts 1 through 7. Brush up on you Danish for cut 1 from The Voice in Copenhagen. Cuts 8 through 11 are sweeper montages, including more superb work from The Voice on cut 10. Cut 11 is a parody from Dean Heid, and we finish the side with a demo from the archives for WCKGs "Radio for Men," a "manly" demo from Todd Manley!

Side A

1. Demo from Jeff Freeman, KUFO-FM, Portland, Oregon
2. Think Marketing/Flush, Andrew Murdoch, SILK-FM, Kelowna, BC, Canada
3. Weissman's, Steve Keller, KMON-FM, Great Falls, Montana
4. All Star Bail Bonds, Greg Williams, South Central Comm., Knoxville, Tennessee
5. Fantasy Tattoos, Ric Gonzalez, KISS/KSMG/KLUP, San Antonio, Texas
6. Caroline's Pet Motel, Kat Morgan, KOSP/KKLH, Springfield, Missouri
7. Party City, Scott Stephenson, WVFJ, Atlanta, Georgia
8. Squires/Hitachi, Jeff Wine, Dame Broadcasting, Chambersburg, PA
9. Mark & Marth Hardware, Greg Saunders, WQFL, Rockford, Illinois

Side B

1. Craig David, Jesper Monefeldt, The Voice, Copenhagen, Denmark
2. Pearl Jam Tickets, Arnie, WIIL Rock, Kenosha, Wisconsin
3. Rugby World Cup/The Essential Guide, James Stodd, Red Dragon FM, Cardiff, United Kingdom
4. Eb & Jeb: Alien Interview, C.J. Goodearl, Clear Channel Comm., Orlando, Florida
5. CISN Sticker, Ryan Stockert, CISN-FM, Edmonton, Alb., Canada
6. Star 96 Ski Day, Dan Kirkness, CHVR-FM, Pembroke, Ontario, Canada
7. We Play the Hits, Greg Saunders, WQFL, Rockford, Illinois
8. Andy & Allison Sweeper Montage, Eric Bohlen, WIVK/WNOX, Knoxville, Tennessee
9. Multi Station Sweeper Montage, Randall Horvath, Vanilla Gorilla Productions, Houston, Texas
10. New Voice Jingle Package, Bjarke Ramussen, The Voice, Copenhagen, Denmark
11. Sweeper Montage, Arnie, WIIL Rock, Kenosha, Wisconsin
12. You Suck, Dean Heid, WYHT/WMAN, Mansfield, Ohio
13. Radio For Men Demo, Todd Manley, WCKG, Chicago, Illinois


  • The R.A.P. Cassette - October 1990

    Welcome to the 21st Cassette since we started it in February of '89! We begin side A with a collection of work from Tom Versen, Production Director...