RAP-CD-logo-2Welcome to the August 2009 RAP CD! We get things started with audio from this month's interview subject, Ty Ford. Track one features a couple of his current demos for commercial VO and narration. Track 2 is audio for Dave Foxx's Production 212 column. Commercials fill out tracks 3 through 14, including a five second commercial from Buzz Calhoun on track 13, which has got to be the shortest commercial we've featured on the RAP CD in quite some time, if not the shortest ever. And it's an effective spot as well!

Promos are on tracks 14 through 26. Track 26 from Vaughn Jones has a back-story as Vaughn notes: "We endured a huge cyclonic storm here the day after Christmas. This is a major tourist strip, so thousands of people had their holidays ruined. Beaches were closed, NYE celebrations cancelled etc. You literally could not go outside; it was awful. Anyway, it was finally forecast to clear one weekend, and I made this promo to capitalize on it.". Track 27 is a Michael Jackson tribute all the way from South Africa. We get some fun stuff on tracks 28 and 29, and Chadd Pierce submits a Memorial Day Tribute on track 30.{nmap}html5|475|230|files/archives/2009/aug/cd|||||||7|1|95%|160px|60%{/nmap}

1. Audio from Ty Ford, TyFord.com, Baltimore, Maryland, tyreeford[at]comcast.net
2. Production 212 Audio – Dave Foxx, Z100, New York, NY, davefoxx[at]clearchannel.com
3. Poop, Trevor Henselwood, Newcap Radio, Alberta Northwest, Canada, thenselwood[at]newcap.ca
4. Modern Men Salon/Get Over It, Celeste Grebinski, Harvard Broadcasting, Regina, Sask., Canada, celesteg[at]harvardbroadcasting.com
5. Rainbow Cinemas/Now Playing, Gary McClenaghan, Harvard Broadcasting, Regina, Sask., Canada, garym[at]harvardbroadcasting.com
6. Splashtown/I'm Not Going to Park, Ric Gonzalez, Cox Radio, San Antonio, Texas, ric.gonzalez[at]coxradio.com
7. Brighton Trade Windows, Sean Bell, NYPD, New Yorkshire, United Kingdom, seanbell[at]nypd.uk.com
8. Tucker Construction, Steve Franzman, (formerly at) Zimmer Radio, Joplin, Missouri
9. Mini Waterloo/Zipper, Steve Thompson, Kool-FM, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada, sthompson[at]koolfm.com
10. Adobe Gilas/Happy Hour, CJ Goodearl, Clear Channel, Orlando, Florida, cjgoodearl[at]clearchannel.com
11. Dante's Demon, Andrew Frame, BAFSoundworks, Lehigh Acres, Florida, andrew[at]bafsoundworks.com
12. Henkle's Ace Hardware, Steve Stone, Zimmer Radio, Joplin, Missouri, sstone[at]zrgmail.com
13. Icee (:05 second spot!), Buzz Calhoun, Clear Channel, Shreveport, Louisiana, buzzcalhoun[at]clearchannel.com
14. Bruce Power, Mike Vuckovich, Kool-FM, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada, mvuckovich[at]koolfm.com
15. Smackdown Promo, Brendan Tacey, Triple M, Melbourne, Australia, Brendan.Tacey[at]austereo.com.au
16. KXOL-FM Los Angeles Lakers ID, Mingo Marrero, Spanish Broadcasting System, Los Angeles, CA, djmingoradio[at]gmail.com
17. Tax Time, Jerimiah Busniak, Radio West/Hot FM Networks, Bunbury, WA, Australia, jerimiah.busniak[at]radiowest.com.au
18. Tri-Cities' Biggest Garage Sale, Deborah Hopkins, Kool-FM, Kitchener, Ont., Canada, deborah.hopkins[at]chumradio.com
19. Still Free, Rich Boerner, (formerly at) KLSX, Los Angeles, California
20. Love For a Lifetime Marriage Conference, Lee Rugen, Moody Broadcasting, Chicago, Illinois, lee.rugen[at]moody.edu
21. Summer Solstice/Price is Right, Jon Carter, Megahertz Studios, Charlotte, North Carolina, jc[at]megahertzstudios.com
22. Fall Fun, Rich Conway, WCCC/WBOQ, Hartford, Connecticut, rconway[at]wccc.com
23. Ozzy Splitters (3), Anthony McNutt, Imagingwork.com, Kentville, Nova Scotia, Canada, a.mcnutt[at]mrg.ca
24. Beat the Box Office/Bon Jovi, Elisabeth Hart, Energy 99.3/Country 105, Peterborough, Ont., Canada, elisabeth.hart[at]chumkawartha.ca
25. Casey's Workforce Lunch, Doug Newman, Kool-FM, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada, dnewman[at]koolfm.com
26. Summer Returns Soon, Vaughn Jones, Hot 91, Sunshine Coast, Australia, production[at]scoastradio.com.au
27. Michael Jackson Tribute, Maekanya Morotoba, KAYA-FM, Johannesburg, South Africa, maekanya[at]kayafm.co.za
28. Porn Bailout, Gary McClenaghan, Harvard Broadcasting, Regina, Sask., Canada, garym[at]harvardbroadcasting.com
29. Brotherhood of the Traveling Jock, Nick Tozzi, WCPN-FM, Cleveland, Ohio, nicktozzi[at]hotmail.com
30. Memorial Day Tribute, Chadd Pierce, PierceVoice.com, chadd[at]piercevoice.com

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